I. Continue to love fellow believers.
-continue = meno = abide, remain, continue
-Why is it so important?
1) Loving one another honors God.
-Ps. 133:1-3
2) Loving one another is a witness to the world.
-John 13:35
3) Loving one another reveals our identity.
-I John 3:14-15, 23-24
4) Loving one another builds up the body.
-Eph. 4:1-3, 16
II. Show hospitality.
-I Pet. 4:9, Rom. 12:13
-neglect = epilanthano = forget, neglect, overlook
-hospitality = philoxenia = entertain strangers, hospitality
-Luke 14:12-14
-MacArthur "We minister because of need, not because of any consequences we are able to foresee."
-Matt. 25:40
III. Minister to the mistreated.
-remember = mimnesko = to call to mind, remember, keep in mind, be concerned about
-Phil. 4:14-16
-I Co. 12:26
-Aristodes said of Christians "If they hear that any one of their number is in prison or in distress for the sake of their Christ's name, they all render aid in his necessity, and if they can, they redeem him, to set him free."
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