Monday, December 31, 2012

Ephesians 6:10-20 (Part 1)

I. Be strengthened in the Lord.
-be strong = endunamoo = strengthen, make strong; present passive imperative

II. Be prepared with the armor of the Lord.
-put on = enduo = dress, put on; idea of permanently putting on
-full armor = panoplian; idea of all the armor that was needed for protection and battle
-II Pet. 1:3
-stand firm = istemi = stand, place, set, fix; when used in military context, was idea of holding a critical position on the battlefield.
-Satan = accuser, devil = slanderer
-Hughes "Because Satan is finite and God is infinite, our enemy is infinitely inferior! Satan's power is overwhelmed by that of God."
-schemes = methodeia = craftiness, trickery, schemes
-Snodgrass "Mention of the 'schemes' of the devil reminds us of the trickery and subterfuge by which evil and temptation present themselves in our lives. Evil rarely looks evil until it accomplishes its goal; it gains entrance by appearing attractive, desirable, and perfectly legitimate. It is a baited and camouflaged trap."
-Four general methods
1) Deception.
2) Distortion.
3) Discouragement.
4) Distraction.
-Areas of attack
1) Assurance of salvation. 1:3-6
2) Teaching of the gospel. 2:1-10
3) Unity of the church. 4:1-6
4) Faithfulness of our walk. Ch. 4-5
5) Foundation of the family. 5:22-6:4
-struggle = pale = wrestling, hand to hand combat

III. Be resistant and stand in the battle.
-take up = analambano = take up, pick up; when used in military setting, was the idea of making final preparation before entering the battle.
-having done = katergazomai = to accomplish, to carry out
-"It here means not only having made all necessary preparations, but indicates having done everything which the crisis demands, in order to quell the foe and maintain position." Exegetical Key to the New Testament
-resist = anthistemi = resist, oppose, withstand, hold one's ground

Monday, December 17, 2012

Micah 5:1-6

What is the significance of Advent?
-advent = adventus (Latin) = coming;
-adventus = parousia (I Thess. 4:15)

I. Christ's coming brought hope to the hopeless.
-II Kings 25:1-7
a. He is of the royal lineage of David.
-John 7:42
b. He is humble in nature.
-Is. 42:3; Matt. 11:29
c. He comes in the will of the Father.
-Charles Feinberg "He comes in the will of the Father to accomplish the plans of the Father."
d. He is eternal in nature.

II. Christ's return brings final deliverance for His people.
a. He will shepherd His people.
-Eph. 5:29
b. He will rule by the power of the Lord.
-Is. 11:1-4
c. He will reign enduringly
d. He is our peace.
-Heb. 13:20-21
e. He will bring final deliverance.
-Rev. 22:20

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Ephesians 6:5-9

MacArthur "The New Testament does not focus on reforming and restructuring human systems, which are never the root cause of human problems. The issue is always the heart of man - which when wicked, will corrupt the best of systems and when righteous will improve the worst. If man's sinful hearts are not changed, they will find ways to oppress others regardless of whether or not there is actual slavery."
-Ex. 21:16

I. Slaves were to be obedient to their masters. Employees must carry out the instructions of their employers.
a. With sincere respect as to Christ.
-sincere = aplotes = simplicity, sincerity, uprightness.
-heart = kardia = mind, will, intention
b. Not with eyeservice as pleasing man.
-eyeservice = idea of only to attract attention, only being diligent while being watched, for the sake of pleasing man
c. Doing the will of God as slaves of Christ.
-heart = psyche = inner self
d. Wholeheartedly serving as serving the Lord.
-good will = eunoia = benevolent feelings with good intentions, eagerness, zeal

II. Masters were to treat slaves with dignity and respect. Employers must treat employees with dignity and respect.
a. Treat them as you want to be treated.
b. Don't use power as a weapon.
-give up = anitemi = loosen up, relax, let up on
c. Remember you are both under the authority of Christ.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Ephesians 6:1-4

Ps. 127:3-5, Prov. 23:24

I. Children are commanded to obey their parents.
-obey = hupakouo = to listen to, obey, literally "to hear under"
-honor = timao = to count as valuable, value, honor, hold in highest regard, respect
-Matt. 15:8;
-Matt. 15:4-8
a. Because it is right.
-Prov. 7:1-3
-Prov. 10:1, 17:21, 19:26
b. So you will be blessed.
-honor = kabod = heavy, weighty
-MacArthur "The believer who honors his parents can know that his lifetime will be the full measure God intents, rather than cut short like Ananias and Sapphira and certain members of the church at Corinth."

II. Fathers are commanded to lovingly train their children.
a. Do not provoke them to anger.
-provoke to anger = parogizomai; "This involves avoiding attitudes, words, and actions which would drive a child to angry exasperation or resentment and thus rules out excessively sever discipline, unreasonably harsh demands, abuse of authority, arbitrariness, unfairness, constant nagging and condemnation, subjecting the child to humiliation, and all forms of gross insensitivity to a child's needs and sensibilities."
b. Care for them in teaching them to follow the Lord.
-bring up = ektrepo = nourish, provide for with tender care
-discipline = paideia = education, training, discipline
-Deut. 6:5-8
-instruction = nouthesia = admonition, instruction, warning; literally "putting to mind"

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Ephesians 5:22-33 (Part 3)

I. Husbands are commanded to love their wives.
a. Christ is the example of love.
i. Love that is sacrificial.
ii. Love that is purifying.

b. Christ and the church is the picture of marriage.
i. Husbands must care for their wives as Christ cares for His church.
-ought = opheilo = be bound to, obligated, owe a debt
-cherishes = thalpo = cherish, to show affection and tender love
ii. Husbands and wives become one flesh as Christ's church become members of His body.
-leave = kataleipo = to leave behind;
-joined = proskollao = to be glued to, joined to
-I Cor. 6:15-21
c, Each husband must love his wife and each wife must respect her husband.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Ephesians 5:22-33 (Part 2)

I. Husbands are commanded to love their wives.
-love = agapao = love, show or prove one's love, place first in one's affections
a. Christ is the example of love
-gave up = paradidomi = deliver up, hand over
-MacArthur “He (God) loves because it is His nature to love that which He has created and because the objects of His live need to be loved – not because they are attractive or deserve His love…He loves because He cannot do otherwise. God can command His own kind of love from those who belong to Him because He has given them the capacity to love as He loves, and because He commanded love must be a matter of choice…Loving as Christ loves does not depend in the least on what others are in themselves, but entirely on what we are in Christ. A husband is not commanded to love his wife because of what she is or is not. He is commanded to love her because it is God’s will for him to love her.”
i. Love that is sacrificial.
ii. Love that is purifying.
-sanctify = hagiazo = set apart, regard as sacred, consecrate, purify
-cleansing = katharizo = purify, make clean
-Ezek. 16:8-14
-washing = loutron = cleansing, bath
-word = rhema = what is said, saying, word
-Rev. 19:7-8

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Ephesians 5:22-33 (Part 1)

I. Wives are called to be submissive to the leadership of their husbands.
-be subject to = hupotasso = line oneself under, take a subordinate place
-hupo = under, tasso = arrange, order, appointed
-Luke 7:8, Acts 15:2
-O'Brien "At the heart of this submission is the notion of 'order'. God has established certain leadership and authority roles within the family, and submission is a humble recognition of that divine ordering...Paul's admonition to wives is an appeal to free and responsible persons which can only be heeded voluntarily, never by elimination or breaking of the human will, much less by means of servile submissiveness."
-Gal. 3:28
-MacArthur "That is where the battle of the sexes began, where women's liberation and male chauvinism came into existence. Women have a sinful inclination to usurp man's authority and men have the sinful inclination to put women under their feet."
a. In obedience to the Lord.
-Col. 3:23
b. As a reflection of the relationship between Christ and the church.
i. The husband is the head as Christ is the head.
-head = kephale = authority, rule, authority over
ii. The wife is submissive as the church is submissive.

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Ephesians 5:15-21 (Part 2)

I. Do not get drunk.
-dissipation = asotia = excess; idea of debauchery, self-indulgence, intemperate living, reckless living
-Ps. 104:15, Is. 55:1, Prov. 23:29-35
-Hebrew word shekar, Greek sikera = strong drink
-Hebrew tirosh, Greek gleukos = sweet wine, new, fresh wine
-Hebrew yayin (root word to boil), Greek oinos = mixed wine;

II. Be continually filled by the Holy Spirit.
-Rom. 8:9, II Pet. 1:3
-be filled = pleroo = to fill, fulfill; Present passive Imperative = "be being kept filled."
-MacArthur "The continuous aspect of being filled, involves day-by-day, moment-by-moment submission to the Spirit's control. The passive aspect indicates that it is not something we do but that we allow to be done in us. The filling is entirely the work of the Spirit Himself, but He works only through our willing submission."
a. Singing with one another.
-speaking = laleo = to speak
1) to one another
2) with all your heart
b. Directing our singing and thanks to the Lord.
-always = pantote = at all times, always
c. Submitting to one another.
-be subject = hupotasso = as a passive verb = line oneself under, submit to, be subject to, place self under authority of, take a subordinate place

Monday, October 29, 2012

Ephesians 5:15-21 (Part 1)

I. Walk in wisdom.
-be = blepo = to see, to look
-careful = akribos = accurate, careful; idea of examining and investigating
Examples of acting unwisely
1. Disobedience
2. Doubting God's word - Gal. 3:1-3
3. Focusing on wrong things - I Tim. 6:9
-Prov. 1:7
-Ps. 119:99
-Walter Liefeld "It (wisdom) is knowing God, maturing in our relationship with Him and walking close and perceptively that we are enabled to develop godly character, live thoughtfully and make proper choices in life."

II. Make the most of our time.
-making the most = exagorazo = to buy up at the marketplace
-time = kairos = time, season, age

III. Understand the will of the Lord.
-foolish = aphron = without understanding, senseless; idea of imprudence or folly
-understand = suniemi = understand, comprehend, perceive, insight into;
-"The ability to bring things together and see them in relation to one another." Exegetical Key to the New Testament
a. God's gracious plan.
b. God's gracious guidance.
What is God's will?
1. Sanctification - I Thess. 4:3
2. Submission to authorities - I Pet. 2:13-15
3. Giving thanks - I Thess. 5:18
4. May include suffering - I Pet. 4:19
5. Standing firm in God's will - Col. 4:12
6. Loving one another - John 13:34
7. Share our faith
-Ps. 37:4

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Ephesians 5:8-14

I. Live as the light.
-John 8:12
a. Produce the fruit of light.
-goodness = agathosune; Moral excellence, that which is good in nature and in its effectiveness
-Rom. 15:14, II Thess. 1:11
-righteousness = dikaiosune = justice, what is right, uprightness
-truth = aletheia = truth, reality
b. Discern what pleases the Lord.
-trying to learn = dokimazo = test, examine, discern, approve, prove.
-I John 4:1, Rom. 12:2

II. Understand the incompatibility of light and darkness.
-II Cor. 6:14
a. Do not participate in the darkness.
-participate = sugkoinoneo = fellowship with, fellowship in, participate in
b. Expose the works of darkness.
-expose = elegcho = to bring to light, reveal hidden things, convince, correct, reprove

NAS- "everything that becomes visible is light"
NIV- "for it is light that makes everything visible"
-II Cor. 4:6

III. Wake up.
-Is. 26:19; 60:1-2

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Ephesians 5:1-7

I. Follow the example of Christ to love
-imitators = mimetes; word from which we derive mimic
-F.F. Bruce "No higher example of the grace of forgiveness was possible: let them imitate God in this regard, the more so as they had now been adopted into His family."
-gave up = paradidomi = to deliver over
-II Cor. 2:14-16

II. Forsake the impurities of the culture.
a. Continuing to reject immorality.
-immorality = porneia = sexual immorality
-greed = pleonexia = insatiable craving
-O'Brien "Thinking and talking about sexual sins 'creates an atmosphere in which they are tolerated and which can...even promote their practices."
b. Continuing to reject unwholesome speech.
-Luke 6:45
-silly talk = morologia = foolish talk
-course jesting = eutrapelia = wit (usually in an obscene way) course jesting
-MacArthur "It is the filthy talk of a person who uses every word and circumstance to display his immoral wit."
-Prov. 17:22, Ecc. 3:4

III. Exhibit an attitude of thankfulness.

IV. Do not allow deceptive words mislead.
-deceive = apatao = to lead astray, mislead, deceive
-empty = kenos = without substance, no kernel of truth.
-Col. 2:4, Rom. 16:18
-partakers = summetochos = fellow partaker

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Ephesians 4:25-32

I. Speak the truth and forsake lying.
-Zech. 8:16

II. Be careful with anger.
-F.F. Bruce "There is no doubt a proper place for righteous indignation; but there is a subtle temptation to regard my anger as righteous indignation and other people's anger as sheer bad temper."
-Ps. 4:4
-tremble = ragaz = agitate, quiver, quake, perturbed
a. Do not habor anger.
b. Do not give opportunity for Satan to have influence.
-opportunity = topos = place
-Rom. 12:17-21

III. Work and do not steal.
a. Hands that worked evil will now do good.
b. Hands that took from others will now give to other.

IV. Use wholesome speech.
-unwholesome = sapros = rank, foul, putrid, rotten
-Ps. 141:3
a. What is good for building up.
-edification = oikodme = building, buidling up
b. What is appropriate for the momben
c. What is giving of grace.
-Col. 4:6

V. Do not bring grief upon the Holy Spirit.
-grieve = lupeo = to cause sorrow, pain, injure, grieve
-Is. 63:10

VI. Display supernatural virtues not natural vices.
-bitterness = pikria = bitterness, spite; "It is a figurative term denoting that fretted and irritable state of mind that keeps a man in perpetual animosity; that inclines him to harsh and uncharitable opinions of men and things; that makes him sour, crabby, and repulsive in his general demeanor; that brings a scowl over his face and infuses the words of his tongue with venom." Linguistic and Exegetical Key to the Greek New Testament.
-wrath = thumos = outburst of rage
-anger = orge = steady festering or seething
-clamor = krauge = shout, outcry, angry shouting
-slander = blasphemia = speaking against, slander
-put away = airo = to pick up and carry away, to make a clean sweep
-kind = chrestos = kind, merciful, loving
-Jer. 33:11
-forgiving = charizomai = to exercise grace in freely forgiving

Monday, October 1, 2012

Ephesians 4:17-24

I. Don't walk in the way of the world.
a. Their way of thinking is empty.
-futility = mataiotes = vanity, empty
-Eccl. 1:2
-mind = noos = thinking faculty, reasoning capacity, the mindset
-Col. 3:2
b. They accept no knowledge of God.
c. They harden their heart.
-hardness = porosis = stubborn, hardness, lack of feeling; idea of being rock hard
-callous = apalgeo = to cease to feel pain or grief, become callous, insensitive to pain
-Rom. 1:32
d. Their living is unrestrained.
-sensuality = aselgeia = indecency, vice, idea of unrestrained living
-greediness = pleonexia = covetousness, greed; idea of insatiable craving

II. Walk in the way of Christ.
a. Being shaped by Jesus.
-learn = manthano = to learn
-Deut. 5:1
b. Becoming what we are.
-MacArthur "We are new, but not yet all new. We are righteous and holy but not yet perfectly righteous and holy."
-Col. 1:3, 9, Rom. 6:6, 7
-II Cor. 5:17

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Ephesians 4:7-16 (Part 2)

I. Christ gives gifts for the edification of the body.
a. To be equipped to serve.
-equipping = katartismos = equip, train; medical term for setting a bone
b. To build up the body
-building up = oikodome = build, building, build up
c. To come to the unity of the faith.
-O'Brien "Christian growth or progress does not occur in isolation."
-Heb. 10:25
d. To gain knowledge of Christ.
e. To come to maturity.
-stature = helikia = age, fullness of age, span of years

II. Christ gives gifts for the establishing of the body.
a. Adhere to sound doctrine.
-children = nepios = infant, baby, immature
-trickery = kubeia = dice playing, cunning
b. Proclaim sound doctrine in love.
-I Cor. 13:1-3

III. Christ gives gifts for the enabling of the body.
-being fitted together = sunarmologeo = fit together
-held together = sumbibazo = bring together, unite
-Phil 2:12-13

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Ephesians 4:7-16 (Part 1)

I. Christ gives gifts to all believers.
-gift = dorea
a. Christ measures out gifts to each one.
-measure = metron = measure, measurement, standard
b. Christ's victory demonstrates His authority to give gifts.
-Ps. 68:18
-John 6:33, 38, 50-51; Is. 44:23

II. Christ gives gifts to the body.
a. Apostles and prophets
Three purposes
1. To lay the foundation of the church.
2. To receive and proclaim the Word of God.
-Acts 21:10-11
3. Give confirmation of God's word through signs and wonders.
-II Cor. 12:12, Heb. 2:3-4
Two qualifications.
1. Chosen by Christ.
-Mark 3:13, Matt. 10:2
2. Be a witness of the resurrected Christ.
-Acts 1:22-24
b. Evangelists
c. Pastor/teacher
-pastor = poimen = shepherd
-I Pet 5:1-2; I Tim. 5:17

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Ephesians 4:1-6

I. Walk worthy of our calling
-implore = parakaleo = urge, plead, beseech
-worthy = axios, be of equal weight, balance the scales

a. In humility
-humility = tapeinosphrosune = to think or judge lowly
b. Being gentle
-gentleness = prautes = meek, gentle; "free from malice and desire for revenge
c. Extending patience
-patience = makrothumia = longsuffering, long-tempered
d. Showing tolerance in love
-showing tolerance = anechomai = bear with, bear up, endure, put up with; idea is endure or putting up with provocation until it has passed.
e. Guarding unity
-being diligent = spoudazo = be zealous or eager, take pains, make every effort

II. Reflect the unity of our calling.
a. Unity in the Spirit.
-O'Brien "The one Spirit brings unity and cohesion to the body by His indwelling and animating activity."
b. Unity in the Son.
c. Unity in the Father.

Monday, September 3, 2012

Ephesians 3:14-21

I. Prayer for the saints.
a. Empowered by the Holy Spirit.
-strengthen = krataioo = to fortify, to brace, strengthen
b. Continual presence and rule of Christ.
-dwell = katoikeo = live in, settle down
c. Insight into the love of Christ.
i. Established in Christ's love.
-rooted = rhizoo = to cause to take root, to be or become firmly rooted
-themelioo = to lay a foundation, to establish
ii. Understanding the matchless love of Christ
-able = exischuo = fully able
-comprehend = katalambano = to grasp mentally, lay hold of
d. Filled with the fullness of God.
-MacArthur "There is no way, this side of heaven, we can fathom this truth. We can only believe it and praise God for it."

II. Praise to the Lord.
a. His infinite accomplishing power.
-more abundantly = huperekperissou = superabundantly, more than ever; "stresses an extraordinary degree, involving a considerable excess over what would be expected
b. His glory revealed through the church in Christ.

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Ephesians 3:1-13 (Part 1)

I. Keeping a divine perspective.

Keeping a divine perspective:
a. encourages us to evaluate circumstances through the lens of faith.
-stewardship = oikonomian = household management.
b. enables continued trust and obedience.

II. Understanding the mystery.
-mystery = musterion = secret, mystery; idea of something that was previously unknown now revealed, something beyond natural knowledge
Three categories of mystery.
1) Things only God knows.
2) Things God revealed to His people.
3) Things God revealed in New Testament times.
a. The mystery has now been made known.
-Gal. 1:12, 16-18
-understanding = noeo = perceive, come to the knowledge of
-insight = sunesis = understanding, insight
b. They mystery is the inclusion of the Gentiles
-Gen. 12:3, Is. 11:10, Ps. 117:1
-F.F. Bruce "That God would bless the Gentiles, then, was not a new revelation. What then was the new revelation, the mystery hitherto concealed? It was this: that God’s blessing of the Gentiles would involve the obliteration of the old line of demarcation which separated them from Jews and the incorporation of Gentile believers together with Jewish believers, without any discrimination, in the new, comprehensive community of God’s chosen people.”
-MacArthur “As mentioned before, it is difficult for us to realize how incredibly revolutionary that truth was to Jews of Paul’s day…the idea of including Gentiles in one body with Jews was the spiritual equivalent of saying that lepers were no longer to be isolated, that they were now perfectly free to intermingle and associate with everyone else as normal members of society. In the mind of most Jews, their spiritual separation from Gentiles was so absolute and so right that the thought of total equality before God was inconceivable and little short of blasphemy.”
-What are the implications?
i. We are fellow heirs.
-fellow heir = sugkleronoma = one who receive a possession together with someone else.
-Gal. 3:28-29, Titus 3:7
ii. We are fellow members of the body.
-fellow members of the body = sussomos = members of the same body
-I Cor. 12:12-13
iii. We are fellow recipients of the promise.
-fellow partakers = summetochos = co-sharer

Ephesians 3:1-12 (Part 2)

I. Keeping a divine perspective.
Keeping a divine perspective:
a. encourages us to evaluate circumstances through the lens of faith.
b. enables continued trust and obedience.
II. Understanding the mystery.
a. The mystery has now been made known.
b. They mystery is the inclusion of the Gentiles.
-What are the implications?
i. We are fellow heirs.
ii. We are fellow members of the body.
iii. We are fellow recipients of the promise.

III. Maintaining perspective of ministry.
a. We remember we are servants.
-servant = diakonos = servant, helper, minister
-doulos = idea of serving as a slave; therapeuo = idea of willing service; latreuo = idea of service connected to worship.
-diakonos = one who serves tables
b. We serve by God's grace through His power.
c. We must remain humble.
-very least = elachistotero = less than the least, "leaster" or "leastest"
-MacArthur " Then or now, the man who is genuinely called by God is in constant danger of losing his effectiveness by coming to think of himself as more than a servant. When he loses his sense of servanthood, at that same time he loses his spiritual power. To lose dependence is to lose everything, because everything that is of any value in our lives, including power for effective service, comes only from the Lord. Among the greatest dangers to the ministry, and to all faithful Christian living, are things that in the world’s eyes are of supreme value – personal ambition, prestige, recognition, honor, reputation, and success.”
d. We must be faithful to serve.
-preach = euangelizo = to preach the gospel, to proclaim the good news

IV. Proclaiming the mystery.
a. Declaring the riches of Christ.
-unsearchable = anexichniastos = not able to track, untraceable
-Phil. 3:8-10
-"Revelation creates rather than annihilates wonder, awe and respect."
b. Making known the eternal purpose of God.
-manifold = polupoikilos = many-sided, very varied; idea of "richly diversified nature" of God's wisdom.

V. Encouraging privileges of the mystery.
a. Giving us access to God.
-boldness = parresia = speaking freely, confidence, boldness
b. Enabling endurance.
-lose heart = egkakeo = to give in to evil, to be discouraged, to be a coward.

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Ephesians 2:11-22 (Part 3)

I. Being apart from Christ results in alienation.
a. They were without Christ.
b. They were outside God's community.
c. They had no relation to the covenant promises.
d. They were without hope.
e. They had no relationship with God.
II. Being in Christ results in unity.
a. Christ is our peace, breaking down all barriers.
i. Abolishing the enmity caused by the ordinances.
ii. Making one body through reconciliation.
b. All in Christ are given access to the Father.

III. Being in Christ places us into a new community.
a. We are part of a new nation.
-strangers = xenos = stranger, foreign
-aliens = paroikos = one living alongside
-fellow citizens = sumpolites
-commonwealth (v. 12) politeia = citizenship, state
-Phil. 3:20
b. We are brought together into a new family.
-household = oikeios = one's own household
-Rom. 8:16-17
c. We are being built up into God's temple.
-I Cor 6:19
i. The foundation - The Apostles and prophets
ii. The Cornerstone - Christ Jesus
1. The cornerstone provides strength to support the structure.
2. The cornerstone determines the structure and position of all other stones.
3. The cornerstone is the most important stone in the structure.
-Is. 28:16
iii. The building stones - Believers
-I Pet.2:5
-fitted together = sunarmalogeo = to fit together; Refers to the careful joining of every component part.
-dwelling = katoiketerion = place of dwelling, place of settling down

Monday, August 6, 2012

Ephesians 2:11-22 (Part 2)

I. Being apart from Christ results in alienation.
a. They were without Christ.
b. They were outside of God’s community.
c. They had no relation to the covenant promises.
d. They were without hope.
e. They had no relationship with God.

II. Being in Christ results in unity.

a. Christ is our peace, breaking down all barriers.
-barrier = phragmos = fence, wall, hedge;
-dividing wall = mesotoichon = wall that separates one area from another.

i. Abolishing the enmity caused by the ordinances.
-Rom. 3:31
-abolished = katargeo = nulligy, invalidate, make of no effect.
-What has been abolished?
1) The ceremonial law
-MacArthur "The feasts, sacrifices, offerings, laws of cleanliness and purification, and all other such distinctive outward commandments for the unique separation of Israel from the nations were abolished."
2) The law as a code
-F.F. Bruce "It is not the law as a revelation of the character and will of God that has been done away with in Christ…But the law as a written code, threatening death instead of imparting life, is done away with in Christ, as Paul argues in II Cor. 3:6-15.”
-ordinances = dogma = rule, regulation, decree, law

ii. Making one body through reconciliation.
-Kent Hughes "Jesus didn't Christianize the Jews or Judaize the Gentiles. He didn't create a half-breed. He made an entirely new man."
-reconciling = apokatalasso = to exchange, to change, turn from hostile to friend.

b. All in Christ are given access to the Father.
-access = prosagoge = freedom to enter, entrance, access
-2 Cor. 5:17-21

Monday, July 30, 2012

Ephesians 2:11-22 (Part 1)

I. Being apart from Christ results in alienation.
-Gen. 12:3, Ex 12:48
a. They were without Christ.
b. They were outside of God's community.
-excluded = apallotrioo = to estranged, to alienate, separate from
c. They had no relation to the covenant promises.
d. They had no hope.
-Theogenes "I will try to have a good time while I'm young, because I will lie under the earth for a long time - voiceless as a stone, and I shall leave the sunlight that I loved...then I shall see no more. Have a good time, my soul, while young; soon others will take my place and I shall be black earth in death. No mortal is happy under the sun."
-Acts 24:15, 26:6-8, 28:20
e. They were without God.

II. Being in Christ results in unity.
-Ex. 12:48, Lev. 19:34

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Ephesians 2:1-10 (Part 2)

I. We were formerly dead without Christ.
-Three things held sway.
a. The value system of the world.
b. The influence of the devil.
c. The desires of the flesh.

-Three contrasts
1. We were dead in sins; now we have been made alive in Christ.
2. We were in bondage to evil powers of the world; now we are seated with Christ in the heavenly places.
3. We had carried out the desires of the flesh; now we are enabled to carry out the works of God He prepared beforehand.

II. We are now alive in Christ.
-made alive together = sunezoopoesen; from suzoopoieo = combination of zao = to live, be alive; poieo = to make; and sun = with
-Why has God done this?
a. God's abundant love.
-mercy = eleos = compassion, pity, mercy
-Two implications:
i. We are no longer under the authority of the devil.
ii. We are enabled to reject the devil's design.
-James 4:7
b. God's surpassing kindness.
-Peter O'Brien "God's further purpose in lavishing his mercy on sinners, raising, and exalting them in Christ Jesus, was that they should serve as a demonstration of His extraordinary grace for all eternity."
-surpassing = huperballo = to throw beyond
-Results of His kindness:
i. He saved us by grace through faith.
-saved = sozo = rescue
-grace = charis = grace, mercy, kindness, goodwill, favor
-Heb. 4:2
ii. He saved us eliminating any boasting.
-Rom. 11:5-6
iii. He saved us for good works.
-workmanship = poiema = what was created; word from which we derive poem

Monday, July 16, 2012

Ephesians 2:1-10 (Part 1)

I. We were formerly dead without Christ.
-trespasses = paraptoma = false step, slip, stumble
-sin = harmartia = fall short, sin, miss the mark
-MacArthur "Twenty corpses on a battlefield might be in many different stages of decay, but they are uniformly dead. Death manifests itself in many different forms and degrees, but death itself has no degrees. Sin manifests itself in many different forms and degrees,but the state of sin itself has no degrees. Not all men are as evil as they could be, but all fail to measure up to God's perfect standard."
-Things that hold sway over fallen humanity:
a. The value system of the world.
b. The influence of the devil.
-prince = archon = ruler, prince, chief
-John 12:31, Matt. 9:34, II Cor. 4:4
-power = exousia = authority
-II Tim. 2:25-26
c. The desires of the flesh.
-James 1:13-14
-mind = dianoia = thought, mind, disposition, intelligence

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Ephesians 1:15-23 (Part 2)

MacArthur "Until we comprehend who we truly are in Jesus Christ, it is impossible to live an obedient and fulfilling life. Only when we know who we really are can we live like who we are."
I. Paul's praise for the believers - characteristics of genuine Christianity.
a. Faith in the Lord Jesus.
b. Love toward all the saints.
II. Paul's prayer for the believers - growing in spiritual wisdom and insight.
a. Spiritual wisdom
b. Spiritual vision
1. The hope of His calling.
-Titus 2:13; Col. 3:4
2. The value of His saints.
3. The surpassing greatness of His power.
-surpassing = huperballo = to exceed, surpass, to throw beyond
-Power = dunamis = power, strength; refers to ability
-working = energeia = working, power or activity
-strength = kratos = might, dominion, the ability to conquer
-might = ischus = strength, might; idea of physical force
i. Raised Jesus from the
-Phil. 2:12-13
ii. Seated Jesus at the right
iii. Subjected under Jesus
all things.
-Is. 45:23, Phil. 2:10-11
iv. Placed Jesus as the
-fullness = pleroma = fullness, complete
-Calvin "This is the highest honor of the church that until He is united to us, the Son of God reckons Himself in some measure incomplete. What a consolation it is for us to learn that not until we are in His presence does he possess all His parts, nor does He wish to be regarded as complete."

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Ephesians 1:15-23 (Part 1)

I. Paul's praise for the believers - characteristics of genuine Christianity.
a. Faith in the Lord Jesus.
b. Love toward all the saints.
-Gal. 5:13

II. Paul's prayer for the believers - growing in spiritual wisdom and insight.
-II Pet. 1:3
a. Spiritual wisdom
-Ps. 24:7, 29:3
-revelation = apokalupsis = uncovering, revealing
-Peter O'brien "The mystery had already been made known in Christ, but the readers needed to grasp its full significance, not the least of all their own place within it."
-knowledge = epignosis = knowledge, recognition
-I Cor 13:12
b. Spiritual vision
-heart = kardia; center of knowledge, understanding, and thinking; place of thought and moral judgment, volition
-enlightened = photizo = enlighten, illuminate, give like. Greek Exegetical Key "It refers to the ministry of the Holy Spirit who continually illuminates spiritual truth."
-John Stott "What Paul does in Ephesians 1 and therefore encourages us to copy, is both to keep praising God that in Christ all spiritual blessings are ours and to keep praying that we may know the fullness of what he has given us."

Monday, June 18, 2012

Ephesians 1:11-14

I. In Christ we have received an inheritance.
-inheritance = kleroo = chose, to appoint by lot
a. Divine perspective
i. God's design
-proorizo = to mark out a boundary beforehand, foreordain
-J.I. Packer "People see the Bible teaches man's responsiblity for his actions; they do not see (man indeed cannot see) how this is consistent with the sovereign Lordship of God over those actions. They are not content to let the two truths live side by side as they do in the Scriptures, but jump to the conclusion that, in order to uphold the biblical truth of human responsiblity, they are bound to reject the equally biblical and equally true doctrine of divine sovereignty, and to explain away the great number of texts that teach it."
ii. By God's power
-works = energeo = to be effective, to be energetic, to accomplish
-counsel = boulen = counsel, will; Greek Exegetical Key "It expresses counsel with reference to action. The word solemnly represents the almighty will as displayed in action."
iii. For God's praise.
b. Human perspective
i. We heard the message
-Rom. 10:17, 10:10-11
ii. We believed
-Heb. 4:2

II. In Christ we are given a guarantee of our inheritance.
-sealed = sphragizo = seal, secure with a mark or seal, affix as true
-Aspects of being sealed
a. Indicates possession
-Ps. 100:3, Rom. 8:16-17, Rom. 8:9
b. Implies protection
-John 10:29
c. Includes a promise
-Acts 2:33
-pledge = arrabon = down paymet, pledge

III. In Christ we are God's own inheritance.
-Deut. 32:9; Exodus 19:5; I Pet. 2:9, Titus 2:4

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Ephesians 1:7-10

I. In Christ we are released from bondage.
-redemption = apolutrosis = purchasing with a price, setting free,
deliverance, release
-I Pet. 1:18-19; Rom. 6:18

-Two results of redemption
a. Forgiveness of trespasses
-forgiveness = aphesis = cancellation, release, forgiveness,
-trespasses = paraptoma = falling aside, false step. Greek Exegetical Key
"The word signifies the actual and numerous results and manifestations of
our sinful nature."
-Col. 2:14
b. Wisdom and insight
-insight = phronesis = wisdom, insight, way of thinking; emphasizes
understanding and comprehension of practical matters
-MacArthur "God not only forgives us...but also gives us all the necessary
equipment to understand Him and to walk through the world day by day in a
way that reflects His will and is pleasing to Him. He generously gives us the wherewithal both to understand His Word and to know how to obey it."

II. In Christ we are given knowledge of the mystery.
-Three categories of mysteries
1. Things God reveals to no one.
-Deut. 29:29
2. Things God reveals to His people.
-I Cor. 2:14
3. Things God revealed only in New Testament times.
-I Pet. 1:10-11, Daniel 12:8
-administration = oikonomia = household management
-summing up = anakephalaioo = to gather up under one head
-Phil. 2:10-11

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Ephesians 1:3-6

-spiritual = pneumatikos = pertaining to the spirit; spiritual thing, person
-F.F. Bruce “Even if they live on earth in mortal bodies, they can enter into the good of their heavenly inheritance here and now through the ministry of the Spirit.”

I. We were chosen in Chirst
-chosen = eklego = elect
-J.I. Packer "People see the Bible teaches man’s responsibility for his actions; they do not see (man indeed cannot see) how this is consistent with the sovereign Lordship of God over those actions. They are not content to let the two truths live side by side as they do in the Scriptures, but jump to the conclusion that, in order to uphold the biblical truth of human responsibility, they are bound to reject the equally biblical and equally true doctrine of divine sovereignty, and to explain away the great number of texts that teach it.”

a. It was before the foundation of the world.
-foundation = katabole = beginning, creation
b. It was to make us holy and blameless.
-holy = hagios = set apart, pure, saint, holy
-blameless = amomos = without blemish, spotless
i. Positional
ii. Practical

II. We were adopted in love.
-predestined = pororizo = to decide from the beginning, to mark out a boundary beforehand.
-Rom. 9:25-26
-kind intention = eudokia = good will, pleasure, favor

III. We were freely given grace in the Beloved
-bestowed = charitoo = to bestow on freely, to endow with grace

Walter Liefeld “Today’s remarkable flow of new information about our physical universe, which should increase our confidence in and awe of God as Creator, may lead others to think of heaven as a distant, irrelevant place with little connection to earth and the visible universe. Ephesians shows that there is a greater universe of space and time than we might imagine. Heaven above and the age to come may exist in a different dimension, but the heavenly realms are real and integral parts of God’s creation and are presently experientially accessible to Christians, in Christ.”

Monday, May 28, 2012

Ephesians 1:1-2

I. The dual source of authority.*
-apostle = apostolos = sent one,

II. The dual designation of the followers of Christ.*
-saints = hagios; word group = set apart, consecrated, holy, upright.
-Marcus Barth "By using the same designation...the author of Ephesians bestows upon all his pagan-born hearers a privilege formerly reserved for Israel, for the servants of God."
-faithful = pistos = faithful, trustworthy, believing
-Calvin "No man is...a believer who is not also a saint, and on the other hand, no man is a saint who is not a believer."

III. The dual blessing of those in Christ.*
-grace = charis = grace, mercy, kindness, favor; described the manifestation of the divine presence, activity, and favor in a person's life
-peace = eirene = peace, harmony

*Some terminology used here is from John MacArthur commentary on Ephesians.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

I Samuel 31

I. Rebellion ends in tragedy.
a. Death of a faithful servant.
-Davis "Was it tragic when Jonathan laid aside a kingdom he could not have to enter a kingdom he could not lose."
b. Death of a failed king.
c. Dishonor of the true God.
-"good news" = euangelizo (LXX)
-II Samuel 1:20

II. There is hope in the Lord's anointed king.
-Heb. 6:19-20

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

I Samuel 30

-Amos 5:19
I. The grace of God is sufficient.
a. Recall the personal relationship we have with God.
b. Remember the character and promises of God.
c. Readily draw near to the throne of grace of God.
-Heb. 4:14-16
-II Cor. 12:9

II. The servant of God glorifies God for what He enables us to accomplish.
-Deut. 8:17-18

1. David identified with the troublemakers.
2. David insisted that the spoils of battle were a gift of grace.
3. David insisted that selfishness was an imappropriate response to grace.
-Woodhouse "The implication is that no one who understood the present situation, as David did, in terms of the Lord's goodness toward them all, could countenance greed and selfishness as a response."
4. David established a principle of equality.

a. Jesus identified with us and showed us compassion.
-Heb. 2:11
b. All we have is a gift from God.
-Acts 17:25, James 1:17
c. We can't respond with selfishness.
-I Cor. 4:7, James 3:14-18; Hosea 2:8
d. All who believe will experience the full blessings of heaven.
-Matt. 20:16

Sunday, April 22, 2012

I Samuel 29

I. The Lord keeps David in the grip of His grace to deliver.
-II Cor. 4:7-15

II. The Lord displays His absolute authority using the enemy as agents of deliverance.
-Two ironies
1. David is defended by the man he has deceived and objects to the deliverance he is receiving.
-Davis " The deceived defends his deceiver, and the relieved disputes his relief."
2. The agents of deliverance for David will be the agents of death for Saul.
-Prov. 21:1, Ezra 6:22
-One sad contrast
1. David has been given deliverance and leaves in the light. Saul has been given the promise of death and leaves in the darkness.

III. The Lord is worthy of all our trust.
-Ps. 18
-Rom. 11:30-36

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

I Samuel 28:3-25

I. In times of distress, be careful what actions we take.
a. Saul is willing to violate the Torah to gain direction.
b. Saul sees no contradiction in giving a promise in the name of the Lord while violating the Word of the Lord.
-Lev. 20:6, 27 (Lev. 19:31, Deut. 18:10-12)
c. Saul seeks direction from the Lord without concern for his need for repentance.
d. Saul continues to believe that the Lord is a god like those of the nations.

Lessons to apply
1. We cannot compromise God's Word.
2. We must continue to seek, ask, and knock of the Lord.
-Ps. 13; Matt. 7:7, John 6:66-67
3. We need to be more concerned with knowing the divine Guide than with gaining guidance.
-H.L Ellison "Saul, like not a few others, had to have guidance not out of love for God but for fear of making mistakes.”
-Dale Ralph Davis "If anything, Saul’s quest should have been to face Yahweh, not to seek Samuel. His need was not for information but communion, not so much to prepare for battle but to recover God’s presence. Saul, it seems, wanted the results of God’s favor more than he wanted God’s favor.”

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Matthew 27:45-46, 28:1-10

I. What does it mean that Jesus was forsaken?
-Ps. 22:1
-forsaken = azeb (Hebrew) = depart from, leave behind (leaving the presence of)
-forsaken = egkataleipo (Greek) = abandon, desert, leave
-not an ontological change, Jesus did not cease being second person of the Trinity
-MacArthur "Jesus did for a while cease to know the intimacy of fellowship with His heavenly Father"
a. Jesus was "smitten" of God.
-Is. 53:4; smitten = struck down.
-Acts 2:23
b. Jesus became our substitute.
-I Pet 2:22
-Rom. 5:8, Gal. 3:13, I John 3:16
c. Jesus became sin for us.
-II Cor. 5:21, Rom. 4:25
-Habakkuk 1:13

II. What is the significance of the Resurrection?
-John 10:18
-John Chrysostom "But mark thou, I pray thee, how He made use of their wickedness for our salvation. For after the blow the fountains of our salvation gushed forth from thence."
The Resurrection signifies:
a. Victory over:
i. the power of sin.
-Rom. 5:12
ii. the power of death.
-Rom. 5:14
-Acts 2:24, I Cor. 15:54-57
b. Cancellation of:
i. the fall.
-Rom. 5:14-18
ii. the slavery resulting from the fall.
-Rom. 6:16-18
-Dietrich Bonhhoeffer "Cheap grace means the justification of sin without the justification of the sinner...which amounts to the justificatino of sin with the justification of the repentant sinner who departs from sin and from whom sin departs."
c. Declares that Jesus is:
i. the first fruits of the resurrection.
-I Cor. 15:20-23
ii. the Exalted Son of God.
-Acts 3:13-16
-Acts 5:31, Phi. 2:9-11

Sunday, April 1, 2012

I Samuel 27-28:2

I. Don’t allow stressful situations dictate your actions.
-perish = 12:25 swept away, 26:10 perish
a. Evaluating circumstances from a human perspective leads to God-less decisions.
b. God-less decisions often lead to more God-less decisions.
c. Continuing the pattern ends in being the servant of someone other than God.
-bodyguard (28:2) = keeper of my head

II. Be careful to develop discernment.
-Questions to ask for discernment
a. Have you asked the Lord?
b. What is consistent with God’s word?
-John 14:15; Psalm 1:1-3
c. What will glorify God?
-I Cor. 6:20, 10:31, Phil. 1:27
d. What advice do godly people give?
-Prov. 15:22
e. Pray that God will accomplish His purpose in our lives.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

I Samuel 26

Four lessons on our faith following Jesus.
I. Our faith leads us to do what is right not what is expedient.
-David maintains the sanctity of the Lord's anointed.

II. Our faith demands that we trust God's sovereignty with patience.
-David refuses to take a shortcut or seek vengeance.
-Ps. 37:7, I Peter 2:20

III. Our faith makes us willing to admit fault.
-David seeks a way of repentance if he has sinned.

IV. Our faith trusts the Lord to right all wrongs.
-David trusted the Lord for vindication.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

I Samuel 25

I. Nabal demonstrates the danger of self-centeredness.
-Nabal = fool
-Is. 32:6
-Similarities between Nabal and Saul.
1. Saul set up a monument for himself at Carmel. Nabal's business was at Carmel.
2. Saul chases David in Maon. Nabal lives in the region of Maon.
3. Saul is king. Nabal is wealthy and celebrates like a "king."
4. Nabal's name means "fool." Samuel told Saul he had acted foolishly (13:13; Saul admits acted foolishly 26:21).
5. Nabal refers to David as the "son of Jesse." Saul refers to David as the "son of Jesse."
-Dangers of self centeredness.
1. All attention is placed on the temporal.
2. Self-centeredness is self-idolatry.
3. There is no willingness to help and share with others.
4. There is a refusal to acknowledge the divine source of what we have.
-Heb. 13:16

II. Abigail faithfully intercedes.
-Contrasts between Abigail and Nabal.
1. Nabal was a fool. Abigail was discerning.
2. Nabal was harsh. Abigail was beautiful and gentle.
3. Nabal acts with arrogance and contempt toward David. Abigail acts with humility and deference toward David.
4. Nabal has no concern for David's future. Abigail is concerned for the future impact of David's present actions.
-Impact of her intercession.
1. She interceded for the sake of her family.
2. She interceded for the sake of David's guiltlessness.
-James 5:19-20

III. David has to gain "wisdom transfer."
-Wisdom transfer = the ability to apply the principles of past lessons to present situations.

-Lessons of application
1. Avoid the dangers of selfishness by loving God and loving people.
-Rom. 2:8, James 3:14-16, Phil. 2:3
2. Be ready to intercede for others.
-Gal. 6:1-2
3. We must learn "wisdom transfer," applying past lessons to present situations.
4. Victory over sin today doesn't guarantee victory over sin tomorrow.
5. Praise God for His restraining hand.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

I Samuel 23

Four contrasts between Saul and David.
1. At Nob, Saul was the destroyer of Israel. At Keilah, David is the deliverer of Israel.
2. Saul complains that no one discloses urgent matters to him. God discloses things to David.
3. Saul's companion is Doeg, who covers Saul's hands with blood. David's is companion Jonathan, who strengthens his hand in God.
4. Saul accused David of conspiracy that didn't exist and wanted to kill him. David was the victim of real conspiracy by Ziph (and potentially by Keilah) but holds no grudge.

I. The difference God-centeredness makes.
-Shephelah = lowlands, area between the Judean mountains and the coastal plain
-Characteristics of God-centered people
1. They put others before themselves.
2. They desire to do God's will.
3. They don't hold grudges.

II. The blessing of God's word.
-II Pet. 1:2-3

III. The fortifying work of Gdo's encouragement.
-II Cor. 4:1, 7-12, 16-18

IV. The reassurance of God's providence.
(Picture of desert of Maon and Picture of Engedi)

1. Those who follow Christ, put othes before themselves.
2. We have the blessing of owning and reading the very Words of God.
3. Whatever the heardship, don't loose heart.
4. While we may grow weary in the desert, we can be comforted by God's providence.
5. In the desert, God may provide rest and refreshing in the "strongholds of Engedi."

I Samuel 24

I. David refused to take a "shortcut" to be king.
-Matt. 4:8-9

II. David relied upon God for justice.
-I Peter 2:22-23
-I Peter 2:21, Rom. 12:19

III. David was reassured of God's promise.
-Luke 24:25-26, 44-48
-Rom. 8:17, I Cor. 1:7-9, II Cor. 4:17-18

1) There are no shortcuts in following Christ.
2) Because of the divine authority of God, we must respect human authority.
-Rom. 13:1
3) As followers of Christ, we must not seek retribution. We depend on God to execute justice and vindication.
4) Be encouraged in your relationship with Christ because of God’s eternal promise.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

I Samuel 22:6-23

I. The self-centered live a short-sighted existence.
-characteristics of the self-centered
1. They are consumed with their own wants and comforts.
2. They see people as means to an end instead of God's image-bearers.
3. They overestimate their importance.
4. They treat others unjustly.
-John 13:34, Phil 2:3, Micah 6:8

II. The enemies of God ultimately fulfill God's word.
-I Samuel 2:31-35
-Acts 2:23, 4:27-28

III. There is safety in the presence of God's anointed.
-Three contrasts between Saul and David
1. Saul looks "secure" sitting out in the open, but he is ultimately insecure. David seems insecure in the cave, but is ultimately secure in God's will.
2. Saul had the priests kill, feeling no remorse. David didn't kill the priests, but felt sorrow and responsible for their deaths.
3. Saul summons Ahimelech and "all his household" having them killed. David's parents and "all his household" came to him and he sought their safety.
-Col. 3:3-4

Three reminders:
1. Our lives are not our lives, don't focus on the temporal to the neglect of the eternal.
2. Don't be discouraged by the enemies of God, for even they end up fulfilling God's word.
3. Be encouraged becuase our safety is in the arms of God's anointed (Messiah).

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

I Samuel 21-22:5

I. Who will we depend on for provision?
-Matt. 12:1-8

II. Who will we trust for deliverance?
-Ps. 34:1-3, Ps. 56:11, 13
-Robert Bergen "David took upon himself the trappings of insanity to hide his sanity; Saul surrounded himself with the trappings of sanity to cloak his insanity."

III. Who will we rely upon for direction?

Monday, February 13, 2012

I Samuel 20

In the covenant relationship there is:

I. Uncommon faithfulness.
-kindly = hesed = lovingkindness;
Davis "is not merely love, but loyal love; not merely kindness, but dependable kindness; not merely affection, but affection that has committed itself.”
-John 1:14, Hebrews 4:14-16, 9:15

II. Steadfast commitment.

III. Unfathomable peace.
-safety = shalom
-Romans 8:31, 37

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Sermon Notes: 1 Samuel 18

4 references to David's success (5, 14, 15, 30)
3 references to Yahweh being with David (12, 14, 28)
6 uses of verb for love (1, 3, 16, 20, 22, 28)
3 references to Saul fearing David (12, 15, 29)

I. The surrender of faith.
-knit = to bind, league together

-S.G. DeGraaf "This deed on his part was an act of faith, Only faith makes us willing to be the lesser. Faith causes us to surrender the rights we pretend to have over against the Christ, who is truly Israel's King."
-John 14:15, Phil. 2:3

II. The danger of a jealous heart.
-anger = to burn
-displeased = bad, wicked
-snare = moqesh = bait, lure; used three times in Torah for danger of idols (Ex. 23:33, 34:12, Deut. 7:16)

1) Distorts the way we think
2) Motivates rash actions.
3) Devises devious plots.
-Prov. 27:4, Song of Solomon 8:6

III. The Lord's favor on His anointed.
-enemy = be hostile to, hate
-John 15:18, 24
-Matt. 3:17, 17:5, Acts 10:38
-John 8:42-45

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Sermon Notes: 1 Samuel 17

I. When we only see as man sees, appearances become most important.
-champion = the man of the between
-defy = scorn

1) Goliath was the ultimate warrior.
2) Goliath was supremely confident in himself.

a. The people feared the Goliath
b. Eliab scoffed at David.
c. Saul doubted David.
d. Goliath scorned David.

II. When we see as God sees, God's power becomes most important.

1) David was a simple shepherd.
2) David was supremely confident in the Lord.

a. David was quick to defend the honor of the Lord.
b. David's defense before Saul emphasized God's deliverance.
c. David trusts Yahweh who is the Lord of the battle.
-I Cor. 1:26-29
-Davis "What matters is not whether you have the best weapons but whether you have the real God. In fact, 'inadequacy' may be precisely your qualification for serving God; for his strength shines most brightly behind the foreground of your weakness."

Sunday, January 22, 2012

I Samuel 16:14-23

I. We are dependent upon the Holy Spirit.
-Ps. 139:9-12
John 4:24, Phil 3:3 worship in spirit and truth
I Cor. 6:11, II Thes 2:13,
John 16:7, 13 convicts, guides in truth justifies, sanctifies,
Rom 5:5 pours out love of God in hearts
II Cor. 1:22, Eph. 1:13 seals
Rom. 7:6 enables us to serve II Cor 3:18 transforms
Rom. 8:2 sets us free Gal 5:16-17, 22 leads to holiness
Rom. 8:11 gives life Eph. 3:16 strengthens inner man
Rom. 8:16 gives assurance Eph. 4:3-4 unifies
Rom. 8:26-27 intercedes I Thess. 1:6 gives joy
Rom. 15:13 gives hope Titus 3:5, renews
I Cor. 2:13-14 gives understanding I John 4:13 indwells

II. We are a preserving presence.

-Davis "As Saul will hate David, and as he is rejected by God yet sustained by David’s service, so the world hates Christ’s people yet, in its doomed state, is only benefited by them. They are the ones who are the salt of the earth, that is, who keep society and culture from rotting into complete decay, who keep the world from being worse than it is. They are a divinely-granted restraint upon the earth’s putrefaction.”

1) The rejected king seeks provision of the newly anointed king.
2) David who was God's choice, is now Saul's choice.
3) Saul invites into his court the one better than he.
4) Saul loved David.
-love = aheb
5) David becomes Saul's armor bearer.
6) The chosen king is not a threat to the rejected king, he is a means of grace.

III. We need to see as God sees.
-Is. 11:1-4