Sunday, June 26, 2011

Sermon Notes: Encouragement in Suffering 1 Peter 3:13-17

I. Remember that we may suffer but we cannot be harmed.
 -Rom. 8:31
 -prove = ginomai = become
 -blessed = makarios
 -Matt. 5:10-12

II. Don't be fearful of those who would persecute us.
 -Is. 8:12-13

III. Set apart Christ alone as Lord.
 -holy (Is. 8:13) = sanctify
 -sanctify = set apart, holy;  idea is to venerate, adore
 -heart = kardia = origin of behavior, center of emotions

IV. Be ready to give an answer for our hope.
 -defense = apologia = give reasoned defense, make an argument, give an answer
 -account = logia = word
 -Schreiner "Believers have solid intellectual grounds for believing the gospel."
   a. Share the message with gentleness.
   b. Share the message with fear of the Lord.

V. Live to maintain a clear conscience.
 -conscience = suneidesis = literally co-knowledge
 -Rom. 2:14-15; I Tim. 4:2
   a. So the persecutors will be put to shame.
   b. So our suffering will be for doing good.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Sermon Notes: Father's Day Ps. 78:1-8

I.  Learn from God's work in the past.
   -listen = give ear, stretch the ear
   -I Cor. 10:6-13, Rom. 4:22-24
   -MacArthur Study Bible "The lessons of history are not easily discerned correctly. For an infallible interpretation of history, there must be a prophet."
II.  Communicate the message of God's work to our children.
   -tell = LXX apangello = to proclaim, tell the good news
   -Deut. 4:9, 6:6-9, Eph. 6:4
     a.  We teach them to bring them to faith.
        -confident = LXX set their hope
     b.  We teach them to lead them to obedience.
     c.  We teach them so they will not forget.
        -forget = LXX neglect, overlook
     d.  We teach them so they won't be an unfaithful generation.
        -Ex. 15:22-25
        -heart = inner man, mind, will
        -prepared = loyal, firm
        -faithful = made lasting, confirm, support
     e.  We teach them so they will teach their children.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Sermon Notes: Encouragement in Suffering 1 Peter 3:8-12

I. Right attitude
II. Right motive
III. Right standard
"The simple fact is that love of God and love of man go hand in hand; the one cannot exist without the other.  The simplest test of the reality of the Christianity of a man or a church is whether or not it makes them love their fellow-men" William Barclay
"It is easy to lose the sense of pity and still easier to be satisfied with a sentimentalism which feels a moment's comfortable sorrow and does nothing.  Pity is of the very essence of God and compassion of the very being of Jesus Christ; a pity so great that God sent his only Son to die for men, a compassion so intense that it took Christ on the Cross.  There can be no Christianity without compassion."  William Barclay

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Sermon Notes: Encouragement in Suffering 1 Peter 3:1-7

1 Peter 3:1-7
1 Peter 2:11-12 

I. Wives-Be submissive(Gen 3:16) 
     A. By practicing faithfulness (1 Cor 7:12-16) 
     B. By exercising modesty (Is 3:16-24) 
     C. By following Biblical Examples 
II. Husbands-Be submissive (Eph 5:25-27) 
     A. Consideration 
     B. Chivalry 
     C. Companionship 

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Sermon Notes: Encouragement in Suffering 1 Peter 2:18-25

I.  Submit to those in authority. 
-Schreiner "They did not believe that overhauling social structures would transform culture. Their concern was the relationship of individuals to God, and they focused on the sin and rebellion of individuals against their Creator. New Testament writers therefore concentrated instead on the godly response of believers to mistreatment." 
     a. We must submit because God commands it. 
-respect = phobos = fear 
     b. We must submit despite their character. 
-MacArthur "The focus on 'rights' in the workplace, whatever the results, is incongruous with the Christian life. Believers are to be concerned instead with obedience and submission to God's will. When they obey and submit to their superiors, as He commands, they prove that their real hope is in the world to come."
-unreasonable = skolios = crooked, perverse 
     c. We must submit because it finds favor with God.
-bears up under = upophero = endure
   II.  Christ is the example we follow. 
-example = hupogrammos
-follow = follow after, follow closely, devote oneself to.
-steps = ichnos = footprints 
     a.  Jesus provides the pattern of enduring suffering.
       i.  He suffered though innocent.-Is. 53:9
      ii.  He did not retaliate. 
    b.   Jesus' atontment leads us to live to righteousness. 
-die = apoginomai = get away from, depart, cease to exist
   III.  Christ was our perfect substitute.-Is. 53:4, 12
-cross = xulon = tree, wood; Deut. 21:23 

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Sermon Notes: 1 Peter - Encouragement in Suffering 1 Peter 2:11-12

I.  Abstain from the desires of the flesh.
   -parakaleo = urge, call, encourage.
   -abstain = apechomai = to hold oneself away from
     a.  Because we are citizens of God's kingdom.
         -aliens = paroikos = person who lives in a foreign country
         -stranger = parepidemos = temporary sojourner
         -Gen. 23:4, Eph. 3:20
        -Peter Davids "The knowledge that they do not belong does not lead to withdrawal, but to their taking their standards of behavior, not from the culture in which they live, but from their 'home' culture of heaven, so that their life always fits the place they are headed to, rather than their temporary lodging in this world."
     b.  Because we have a war to win.
         -wage war = strateuomai = to carry out a military campaign 
         -John 10:10; Gal. 5:16 
II.  Live honorably before the world.
     -excellent = kalos = beautiful in outward form; lovely, fine, winsome,  gracious
    -visitation = episkope = visit (of the presence of God)
What does it mean that they will glorify God on the day of visitation?
         1) Salvation of the persecutors
-KJV Gen. 21:1, Ex. 3:16, 4:31, I Sam. 2:21, NAS Luke 1:68, 7:16
         2) Judgment of the persecutors
-KJV Is. 10:3, Jer, 11:23, 23:12, 46:21, 48:44, 50:27
-NAS Luke 19:44; Is. 45:23-24, Phil 2:10-11, Rev. 6:9-11

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Sermon Notes: Qualities of Great Faith

Qualities of Great Faith
   I.  Respond to the amount of light we have.
-Mark 3:8
-MacArthur "This woman's faith was not great because it was stronger or more sincere or mature than the faith of many Jews who believed in Christ but because it was based on so little light."
-Luke 11:34-36
  II.  React to our condition with repentance.
-mercy = eleos = compassion, have pity, mercy; Often in the New Testament this verb was used of "the breaking in of divine mercy into the reality of human misery." New International Dictionary of New Testament Theology
-Is. 35:5-6, 61:1
  III.  Remain persistent in times of silence.
  IV. Readiness to submit in humility.
-bow down = proskuneo = worship, bown down, prostrate, kneel, fall down and worship

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Sermon Notes: 1 Peter 2:4-10

I Peter 2:4-10
    I.   We are built upon the Cornerstone.
        a.       We can expect rejection by the world.
        b.      We are living stones.
        c.       We are being built as a spiritual house.
        d.      We are a holy priesthood.
        e.       We offer spiritual sacrifices.
        f.        We receive honor
  II.  Those who reject the message stumble over the Cornerstone.
-Is. 28:16, Ps. 118:22; Is. 8:14
       a.  They reject and disobey the Word.
-disobedient = apeitheo = disobey; implies the idea of refusing to believe, rejection.
-Acts 26:28, Gal. 5:7
       b.  They were appointed to destruction.
-appoint = tithemi = to place, to set, to appoint
-John 3:17-18, Heb. 10:29, I Cor. 16:22
      "Unbelievers receive the exact judgment their sinful choice demands - becuase they do not believe and obey the gospel. God does not actively destine people to unbelief; but He does appoint judgment (doom) on every unbeliever. God judges unbelievers as a consequence of their lack of love for HIm, their disobedience to His Word, and their refusal to believe in Him."-MacArthur 
 III.  We proclaim the work of our Cornerstone.
-proclaim = exangeleo = to declare, to proclaim, tell
-excellencies = aretas = virtue, goodness, the ability to do heroic deeds.
       a.  He has given us a new citizenship.
-Deut. 7:6, 10:15; Ex. 19:6;
-royal = basileion = royal, palace;
-Deut. 14:2
-possession = peripoiesis = to acquire at a price
       b.  He has brought us from darkness to light.
-I john 1:6, John 3:19-20, I John 1:7
       c.  He has made us His people and shown us His mercy.
-Hosea 1:10, 2:23 

Monday, April 25, 2011

If Jesus had not risen...but since He did... 1 Corinthians 15:1-23

  I.  Through the Gospel we are redeemed.
    a.  Christ died for our sins.
-Is. 53:5-10, I Pet. 2:24, I John 2:2, 4:10
    b.  Christ was buried.
-Is. 53:9
    c.  Christ has been raised from the dead.
-Ps. 16:10; Matt. 12:39-40
 II.  Without the resurrection we have no hope.
If there is no resurrection...
   a.  Not even Christ was raised.
-Luke 24:38-43
   b.  Our preaching is in vain.
-vain = kenon = empty, without result, no purpose
-Acts 2:22-23, 2:31-32, 4:12 
   c.  Our faith is worthless.
   d.  We who proclaim the message are false witnesses.
-Rom. 4:24, I Pet. 1:21
  e.  We are still in sin.
"The denial of their future, that they are destined fro the rusurrection on the basis of Christ's resurrection, has the net effect of a denial of their past, that they have recevied forgiveness of sins on the basis of Christ's death." Gordon Fee
-Acts 5:30-31 
    f.  The dead in Christ have perished.
   g.  There is no hope.
 III.  Because of the resurrection redemption has been accomplished.
   a.  Christ is the first fruits of the resurrection.
   b.  The redeemed are the final harvest.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Meet Edgar

Edgar is 15 years old and in the 10th grade at Lifesong Honduras.

On June 5th, 2009 his father was shot and killed because he didn't want to sell his property, leaving his mother alone to raise Edgar and his brothers.

Recently Edgar's family decided to move to another state and wanted him to join them.  However, even though it was hard to watch them leave, he was determined to continue his education at Escalon.  After being there for 3 years, Edgar understands his need for education as a step towards a better life.

When asked about these major trials he has had to face in his young life, he simply says,

"It's just like "Pastor Guy" (Lifesong Honduras director) always says, "we should never give up."  

After graduating Edgar wants to study in the medical field.  He desires to use these skills to help people in need and give back as he has been given.

With your support we can continue to serve more kids like Edgar.

Our goal is:

We have 16.5 commitments.

We need 83.5 more.

Please prayerfully consider joining us as we strive to bring joy and purpose to orphans in Honduras! YOUR DONATION WILL BE DOUBLED by a gracious giver!

Contact us at at to make your commitment AND be sure to tell them tha we sent you from our blog!

Hear personal stories and check back for progress through the end of the month!
*All administrative costs are covered, so 100% of your donation will go directly toward helping orphans!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

What if every time you gave a dollar to orphans it became one more? 

One more dollar towards food, education, shelter?

One more dollar towards sharing the Gospel and providing Biblical mentorship?

One more dollar towards changing the life of a child?

I love to use this platform to advocate for those in need... and thanks to a generous donor every dollar given to Lifesong Honduras will be matched… up to $120,000!  We praise the Lord for this amazing gift and invite you to be a part of it.

Over the next 10 days we are teaming with Lifesong and are hoping for 100 1-year commitments of $30 a month.  Just think, for about $1 a day a life in Honduras can be forever changed.

Partnering with Tree of Life Missions in Honduras, Lifesong for Orphans is able to work toward providing hope to the hopeless, help to the helpless and healing to the hurting.  TOLM reaches kids through a program called Plan Escalon.  (Escalon is translated "escalator" and is used to describe the children's escalator out of poverty/brokenness.) 
Through this program we strive toward:
  • Providing an education to the poorest of youth
  • Providing food to the poorest of youth
  • Providing vocational training & micro-business opportunities
  • Providing free medical and dental clinics to those in need
  • Training young people to give back to their communities
  • Reaching people in the jungles of the Mosquito Coast 

Stay tuned for stories, personal testimonies, and fun ways to spread awareness and instill a heart of giving in your kids!

Our goal is:

Will you help us?  100 commitments in ten days is no small feat, but with God it is possible.  We have seen Him move mightily in His people to serve orphans and we pray that this ten weeks will be a testimony of that!  Together we can make a difference in the lives of these kids!  Together we can do more to bring joy and purpose to orphans!

Contact Lifesong at to make your commitment AND be sure to tell them that we sent you from our blog!

Hear personal stories & follow the progress on our blog all this week!

Check back often to hear personal stories and get updates on the progress.  Please join us in prayer as we ask the Lord to raise up 100 commitments!

Monday, March 14, 2011

Sermon Notes: 1 Peter Encouragement in Suffering 1 Peter 1:3-9

I.  Praise God for our eternal hope. V. 3-5
     -blessed = eulogetos
"Divine mercy takes the sinner from misery to glory (a change of condition), and divine grace takes him from guilt to acquittal (a change of position)."-MacArthur
    -anagenneo = to cause to be born again
            a. Our hope is living. V. 3
            b. Our inheritance is imperishable.  V. 4
-imperishable = aphtharton = not corruptible, not subject to destruction.
-undefiled = amianton = pure, unstained, unpolluted
-will not fade away = amaranton = permanent
            c. We are protected by God.  V. 5
-protected = shielded, guard, keep watch over
II. Rejoice in times of suffering. V. 6-9
            a. Trials can produce positive effect.
                        i. Trials prove our faith.
                        -proof = dokimion = approved after trial
                        ii. Trials demonstrate the worth of our faith.
"The genuine element in their faith was proven by a process similar to that of metal refining and is found to be something more precious than these precious metals."
            b. Trials cannot last forever.
            c. Trials cannot stop our love for Christ.
            d. Trials cannot steal our joy.
            e. Trials cannot prevent the outcome of our faith.

Monday, March 7, 2011

1 Peter - Encouragement in Suffering

 I.  Being God's chosen makes us pilgrims in a foreign land.
-chosen = eklektos = election
-aliens = parepidemos = temporary resident, refugee
The elements of election:
   a.  Foreknowledge of God the Father.
-foreknowledge = prognosis = know beforehand
-Matt. 1:25 "know" is the Greek word ginosko, which has the inference of relational intimate knowledge. God's foreknowledge is intimate and relational. 
   b.  Sanctification of the Spirit.
-sanctifying work = hagiasmos = consecration, dedication, sanctification, holiness
   c.  Cleansing by Christ.
-Rom. 1:5, 16:26; Ex. 24:3-8, Hebrews 9:18-28
 II.  Being God's chosen results in immeasurable benefit.
-scattered = diaspora
-peace = eirene = shalom
-fullest measure = plethuno = to multiply 
“Peter prays for the multiplication of grace and peace that the trails through with the Asiatic Christians are about to pass may result in a manifold increase of grace and peace.”

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Sermon Notes: Psalm 84

   "I have rather - though the expression may seem harsh to some - called this the 'appetite for God' than 'the love of God.' The 'love of God' too easily suggests the word 'spiritual' in all those negative or restrictive senses which it has unhappily acquired...[The appetitie for God] has all the cheerful spontaneity of a natural, even a physical, desire." C.S. Lewis
Qualities of those with a hunger for God:
   I.  They long to remain in the presence of the Lord.
-yearns = to come to an end, be finished
-Matt. 10:29 
   "It is a psalm of people who were present in the temple, who served in God's house, and who are expressing here how intensely their very souls yearned and even fainted for God. They are saying that their souls yearned for God's house not because they were separated from it, but becuase that is where they were and wanted to be. It was why they were serving."James Montgomery Boice 
  II.  The joy of the Lord strengthens them on their journey.
-Phil. 3:14
 III.  They depend on the Lord to protect them.
-glory = abundance, honor, riches 
 IV.  They realize how greatly they are blessed.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Sermon Notes: Psalm 46

I.  The Lord is our fortress. 
    a.  He is the secure place to flee to.
         very present = abundant, exceedingly, muchness
    b.  He is the source of strength in the face of distress.
II.  The Lord is our peace.
-Eze. 47:1; Rev. 22:1
   when morning dawns" = at the turning of the morning
"Nations with their armies may clash, but peace reigns among the people of God, because the Lord Almighty is with us and if we are threatened, the God of Jacob is our fortress."
III.  The Lord is our victory.
    a.  He brings conflict to an end.
    b.  He is to be exalted.
         cease = stop
    c.  He is with His people.
        Lord of hosts = Yahweh Sabaoth

   "The God of Jacob is the Lord of Hosts. More wonderous still, the Lord of Hosts is the God of Jacob."  Alexander Maclaren

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Psalm 40

Psalm 40
 I.  Reflect on the Lord's past deliverance.
     a.  Praise the Lord for His deliverance.
-destruction = wasteland, miry clay = mud, mire
-Jer. 38:6
     b.  Be encouraged to trust the Lord.
-Is. 44:10, 28:15
     c.  Obey with sincerity of heart.
-I Sam. 15:22; Is. 1:11; Heb. 10:6 
     d.  Be ready to testify.
  II.  Trust the Lord to deliver again.
     a.  Remember the Lord is compassionate.
     b.  Rest in the Lord's lovingkindness.
-preserves = keep watch, guard from danger
     c.  Remain convinced of the Lord's protection.
     d.  Rejoice in the Lord's salvation.
-Phil. 1:20
     e.  Wait on the Lord to deliver.
-Is. 28:15-16

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Sermon Notes: Psalm 37

I.                    Don’t fret over the prosperity of the wicked.  V. 1-11
-Fret = get heated, burn w/anger. I.e. “don’t get so worked up” or “stay cool.” 
a.       Trust in the Lord. V. 3
-cultivate = graze, pasture
b.      Delight in the Lord. V. 4
-delight = take pleasure in
c.       Commit your way to the Lord. V. 5-6 
-commit = roll, roll away 
d.      Be still before the Lord.  V. 7
-rest = be still, be quiet
e.       Don’t become jealous or angry. V. 1, 8
f.        Wait patiently for the Lord’s vindication. V. 2, 9-11
II.                 The Lord will bring justice to the wicked.  V. 12-22
a.       The wicked devise evil plans, but the Lord laughs. V. 12-13
b.      The wicked attack the weak, but they will destroy themselves.  V. 14-15
c.       The wicked have much, but their wealth will be lost. V. 16-17
d.      The wicked will vanish like smoke, but the upright are protected. V. 18-20
e.       The wicked seek the land, but the upright will inherit it. V. 20
III.               The Lord blesses His beloved.  V. 23-33
a.       He holds us. V. 23-24
-I Pet. 5:7, Is. 26:3
b.      He provides for us.  V. 25-26
-Heb. 13:5, Ps. 118:6
c.       He keeps us. V. 28-29
IV.              Wait in the hope of the Lord’s deliverance.  V. 30-40
a.       Keep the Lord’s way while you wait.  V. 34,  31, 30, 27
b.      Know the wicked will receive justice.  V. 35-38
                        c.   Rest in the refuge of the Lord. V. 39-40
                        -strength = safety, hiding place
                        -refuge = shelter