Monday, July 30, 2012

Ephesians 2:11-22 (Part 1)

I. Being apart from Christ results in alienation.
-Gen. 12:3, Ex 12:48
a. They were without Christ.
b. They were outside of God's community.
-excluded = apallotrioo = to estranged, to alienate, separate from
c. They had no relation to the covenant promises.
d. They had no hope.
-Theogenes "I will try to have a good time while I'm young, because I will lie under the earth for a long time - voiceless as a stone, and I shall leave the sunlight that I loved...then I shall see no more. Have a good time, my soul, while young; soon others will take my place and I shall be black earth in death. No mortal is happy under the sun."
-Acts 24:15, 26:6-8, 28:20
e. They were without God.

II. Being in Christ results in unity.
-Ex. 12:48, Lev. 19:34

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Ephesians 2:1-10 (Part 2)

I. We were formerly dead without Christ.
-Three things held sway.
a. The value system of the world.
b. The influence of the devil.
c. The desires of the flesh.

-Three contrasts
1. We were dead in sins; now we have been made alive in Christ.
2. We were in bondage to evil powers of the world; now we are seated with Christ in the heavenly places.
3. We had carried out the desires of the flesh; now we are enabled to carry out the works of God He prepared beforehand.

II. We are now alive in Christ.
-made alive together = sunezoopoesen; from suzoopoieo = combination of zao = to live, be alive; poieo = to make; and sun = with
-Why has God done this?
a. God's abundant love.
-mercy = eleos = compassion, pity, mercy
-Two implications:
i. We are no longer under the authority of the devil.
ii. We are enabled to reject the devil's design.
-James 4:7
b. God's surpassing kindness.
-Peter O'Brien "God's further purpose in lavishing his mercy on sinners, raising, and exalting them in Christ Jesus, was that they should serve as a demonstration of His extraordinary grace for all eternity."
-surpassing = huperballo = to throw beyond
-Results of His kindness:
i. He saved us by grace through faith.
-saved = sozo = rescue
-grace = charis = grace, mercy, kindness, goodwill, favor
-Heb. 4:2
ii. He saved us eliminating any boasting.
-Rom. 11:5-6
iii. He saved us for good works.
-workmanship = poiema = what was created; word from which we derive poem

Monday, July 16, 2012

Ephesians 2:1-10 (Part 1)

I. We were formerly dead without Christ.
-trespasses = paraptoma = false step, slip, stumble
-sin = harmartia = fall short, sin, miss the mark
-MacArthur "Twenty corpses on a battlefield might be in many different stages of decay, but they are uniformly dead. Death manifests itself in many different forms and degrees, but death itself has no degrees. Sin manifests itself in many different forms and degrees,but the state of sin itself has no degrees. Not all men are as evil as they could be, but all fail to measure up to God's perfect standard."
-Things that hold sway over fallen humanity:
a. The value system of the world.
b. The influence of the devil.
-prince = archon = ruler, prince, chief
-John 12:31, Matt. 9:34, II Cor. 4:4
-power = exousia = authority
-II Tim. 2:25-26
c. The desires of the flesh.
-James 1:13-14
-mind = dianoia = thought, mind, disposition, intelligence

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Ephesians 1:15-23 (Part 2)

MacArthur "Until we comprehend who we truly are in Jesus Christ, it is impossible to live an obedient and fulfilling life. Only when we know who we really are can we live like who we are."
I. Paul's praise for the believers - characteristics of genuine Christianity.
a. Faith in the Lord Jesus.
b. Love toward all the saints.
II. Paul's prayer for the believers - growing in spiritual wisdom and insight.
a. Spiritual wisdom
b. Spiritual vision
1. The hope of His calling.
-Titus 2:13; Col. 3:4
2. The value of His saints.
3. The surpassing greatness of His power.
-surpassing = huperballo = to exceed, surpass, to throw beyond
-Power = dunamis = power, strength; refers to ability
-working = energeia = working, power or activity
-strength = kratos = might, dominion, the ability to conquer
-might = ischus = strength, might; idea of physical force
i. Raised Jesus from the
-Phil. 2:12-13
ii. Seated Jesus at the right
iii. Subjected under Jesus
all things.
-Is. 45:23, Phil. 2:10-11
iv. Placed Jesus as the
-fullness = pleroma = fullness, complete
-Calvin "This is the highest honor of the church that until He is united to us, the Son of God reckons Himself in some measure incomplete. What a consolation it is for us to learn that not until we are in His presence does he possess all His parts, nor does He wish to be regarded as complete."