Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Hebrews 11:7

  I.  By faith we follow in obedience while waiting for what isn't seen.
    a.  Noah believed God's warning about what was unseen.
-warned = chrematizo = give divine instruction, divine warning
-Gen. 6:5-7
-favor = chen = favor, grace; LXX favor = charis = grace
    b.  Noah faithfully acted to prepare for God's warning.
-prepared = kataskeuazo = prepare, build, construct
-MacArthur "One of the greatest practical acts of faith in all history was Noah’s cutting down the first gopher tree for wood to make the ark.”
-reverence = eulabeo = be afraid, reverance, respect
  II.  By faith we proclaim testimony of God's Word.
    a.  Noah proclaimed testimony of coming judgment.
-II Pet. 2:5,
-preacher = kerux = herald, preacher
    b.  Noah showed the contrast between walking by faith rather than by sight.
  III.  By faith we receive the inheritance of righteousness.

Monday, December 2, 2013

Hebrews 11:5-6

I.  Faith is a living walk.
-Gen. 5:21-24
-walked = halak = to go, come, walk
-Micah 6:8
-Jude 14-15
-taken up/took up = metatithemi = remove, take back, take up
-taken up = metathesis = to change, remove
  II.  Faith is necessary to please God.
-impossible = adunatos = not able, not possible
(verse 6 is two parallel statements)
and                        for
without faith           believe
impossible             must
please God           who seek Him
    a.  We must believe He is and trust Him.
-believe = pisteuo = have faith in, believe in, trust in
-Prov. 1:7
    b.  We must believe He rewards those who seek Him.
-Ps. 34:4, 10
-Gen. 15:1

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Hebrews 11:4

I.  By faith we offer authentic worship.
-Gen. 4:1-7
-"in the course of time" = "at the end of days"
-Rom. 10:17
-Jude 11
  II.  By faith we obtain authentic righteousness.
-obtained the testimony = matureo = bear witness; aorist passive indicative
-God testifying = matureo = present active participle
-Gen. 4:6
 III.  By faith we produce an authentic witness.
-James Moffatt "Death is never the last word in the life of a righteous man. When a man leaves this world, be he righteous or unrighteous, he leaves something in the world. He may leave something that will grow and spread like a cancer or a poison, or he may leave something like the fragrance of perfume or a blossom of beauty that permeates the atmosphere with blessing."
-speaks = laleo = to say, to speak; present active indicative
-MacArthur "Man comes to God by faith, not by works, man must accept and obey God's revelation above his own reason and self-will; and sin is severely punished."

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Hebrews 11:1-3

What faith is not.
1.  Faith is not equal to a creed.
2. Faith is not wishful thinking.
3. Faith is not a blind leap.
4. Faith is not a sincere devotion to something.
  I.  Faith confirms God's unseen promises.
-faith = pistis = faith, trust, belief, conviction
   a.  It is the assurance of things hoped for.
-assurance = hupostasis = essence, reality, substance, foundation, confident assurance, guarantee, attestation
   b.  It is the conviction of what is not seen.
-conviction = elenchos = evidence, proof, verification, certainty
-MacArthur "Faith, then, provides the firm ground on which we stand, waiting for the fulfillment of God's promise. Far from being nebulous and uncertain, faith is the most solid possible conviction. Faith is the present essence of a future reality."
-Kent Hughes "It is a solid conviction resting on God's words that makes the future present and the invisible seen."
 II.  Faith motivates trusting obedience.
   a.  By faith the people of old received God's approval.
-gained approval = martureo = bear witness; passive verb
   b.  By faith we know God created by His Word.
-understand = noeo = to understand, perceive, discern
-worlds = aion = age
-word = rhema = that which is spoken
-Guthrie "Faith is confidence that results in action carried out in a variety of situations by ordinary people in response to the unseen God and his promises, with various earthly outcomes but always the ultimate outcome of God's commendation and reward."

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Hebrews 10:32-39

I.  Remember how you endured in the past.
   a.  They had endured great suffering and public scorn.
-endured = hupomeno = patiently bear, patiently and hopefully endure
-conflict = athlesis = fighting, conflict, contest, struggle
-public spectacle = theatrizo = bring upon the stage, hold up to derision
-thlipsis = pressure, trouble, affliction
   b.  They had shared with those who also suffered.
   c.  They had joyfully accepted the confiscation of their possessions.
-lasting = meno = remain, abide
-Luke 6:22
-Bruce "The inheritance laid up for them was so real in their eyes that they could lightheartedly bid farewell to material possessions, which were short-lived in any case."
  II.  Continue to persevere to the end.
   a.  Continued endurance will receive God's promised reward
-Hughes "Perseverance does not earn salvation, but rather is prime facie evidence of saving grace."
-Matt. 24:13
   b.  Don't shrink back, persevere faith.
-Hab 2:3-4
-shrink back = hupostello = draw back, withdraw oneself
Why remember?
1. To be challenged by past endurance.
2. To be reminded of God's faithfulness and power to sustain.

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Hebrews 10:26-31

I.  Those who turn away from Christ face terrifying judgment.
    a.  They know the truth.
-knowledge = epignosis = full knowledge, recognition, understanding
    b.  They continue in willful sin rejecting the truth.
-willfully = hekousios = deliberately, willfully, deliberate intention
-go on sinning = harmartano = to sin; present act participle
-Numbers 15:30-31
  II.  Those who turn away from Christ deserve more severe punishment.
    a.  Those under the Old Covenant were judged for rejecting the Law.
-set aside = atheteo = place aside, reject, annul
    b.  Those who turn away from Christ have rejected the Son of God.
      i.  They trample Christ under their feet.
-trample = katapateo = to trample, stomp upon
     ii.  They consider the blood of Christ as unclean.
-unclean = koinos = impure, common, defiled
    iii.  They insult the Holy Spirit by their rejection.
-insult = enhubrizo = treat with contempt, arrogantly insult
  III.  God brings His vengeance upon those turn away from Christ. 
-Deut. 32:39
-Leon Morris "David chose to fall into God's hands. But David was a man of faith; he committed himself in trust to God, not man. It is different with one who has rejected God's way. He must reckon with the fact that he will one day fall into the hands of a living, all powerful deity. Such a fate is a daunting prospect, not to be regarded with equa

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Hebrews 10:19-25 (Part 2)

The foundation for the exhortation.
1. We have confidence to enter the Holy Place.
2. We have a great High Priest.
    I.  Draw near to God in faith.
   II.  Hold tightly to our confession in hope.
-hold fast = katecho = hold down, hold tightly, hold fast, retain, keep, hold to, possess
-O'Brien "'Hope' in Hebrews describes the objective content of hope (rather than the act of hoping), and it relates both to present and future salvation."
-without waver = aklines = that which does not bend, that which is straight
  III.  Encourage one another in love.
-consider = katanoeo = place the mind down upon, thoughtfully consider
    i.  Spurring one another to love and good deeds.
-stimulate = paroxusmos = (negatively) irritate, exasperate; (positively) spurring on, motivate
   ii.  Not neglecting the assembling together.
-forsaking = ekataleipo = to leave in the lurch, forsake, abandon
-Guthrie "The principle behind this part of the author's challenge, however, has to do with consistent involvement in the life of the church rather than frenetic activity in all programs of the church...The question is whether they are meaningfully engaged in the life of the body on a weekly basis."

Monday, October 21, 2013

Hebrews 10:19-25 (Part 1)

The foundation for the exhortations
  1.  We have confidence to enter the Holy Place.
-confidence = parresia = boldness, speak openly; Guthrie "has to do with free and open expression or conduct, and, in an ancient Jewish context, relates especially to approaching God in prayer."
-Two fold description
-new = prosphatos = new, previously unavailable
-inaugurated = egkainizo = put into force, inaugurate, open
  2.  We have a great High priest.
 -Three exhortations
  I. Draw near to God.
    a.  The way in which we draw near.
       i.  With a sincere heart.
-sincere = alethinos = truthful, genuine, without superficiality, without hypocrisy or ulterior motives.
       ii. With full assurance.
-full assurance = plerophoria = conviction, certainty, full assurance
   b.  The means by which we draw near.
      i.  Having hearts cleansed from a guilty conscience.
-O'Brien “There (Heb. 9:18-22) the listeners were reminded of Moses’ sprinkling the people with blood at the inauguration of the first covenant at Sinai (Ex. 24:3-8). Christians have become participants in the new covenant by the blood of Christ. Thus, the cleansing of believer’s hearts from a burdened conscience is associated with Jesus’ inauguration of the new covenant through his death. The definitive cleansing through Christ’s sacrifice has removed the barrier of a guilty and tormented conscience that prevented open and unhindered access to God.”
     ii.  Having bodies washed with pure water.
-Ezek. 36:25-26
-James 1:14-15
-Is. 64:6 

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Hebrews 10:11-18

I.  Christ's superior priesthood is final.
    a.  The Levites presented sacrifices daily; Christ's sacrifice was for all time.
    b.  The Levites stood serving perpetually; Christ sat down at the right hand of God.
    c.  The Levites presented multiple sacrifices continually repeated; Christ offered one sacrifice.
    d.  The Levites repeated sacrifices never took away sins; Christ's sacrifice perfected those who are sanctified.
-take away = periaireo = to take from around, take away, remove utterly
-Guthrie "The word (perfected) speaks of new covenant people as having been made whole or complete. Christ has suited us for relationship with the Father."
  II.  Christ's perfect sacrifice is final.
    a.  His sacrifice renders the past promise of a new covenant a present reality.
    b.  His effective sacrifice eliminates any further need for sacrifices for sin.
-forgiveness - aphesis = forgiveness, cancellation, release (of prisoners)

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Hebrews 10:1-10

I.  The repeated sacrifices of the Old Covenant could never make perfect those who drew near.
-things = pragma = thing, matter, that which is done; idea of the real object
-make perfect = teleioo = make perfect, make complete, reach a goal
    a. The Old Covenant sacrifices were incapable of making the sinner clean.
-clean = katharizo = make clean, pure, cleanse; perfect passive participle
-John 13:10
    b.  The Old Covenant sacrifices produced a yearly reminder of sin. 
-reminder = anamnesis = remember
    c.  The Old covenant sacrifices could not take away sin.
-impossible = adunaton
-take away = aphaireo = take away from, remove; present active infinitive.
-Luke 22:50 (same word as cut off)
 II.  Christ's one sacrifice is sufficient to accomplish what the Old Covenant sacrifices were unable to achieve.
    a.  Christ was obedient to God's will.
-Is. 1:11-20, Amos 5:21-27
    b.  Christ's sacrifice replaces the Old Covenant sacrifices.
-take away = anaireo = to lift up, to take away, to remove
-establish = istemi = set, place, stand, confirm, establish
    c.  Christ's sacrifice sanctifies those who believe.
-has been sanctified = hagiazo = set apart, sanctify, purify, consecrate; perfect passive participle

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Hebrews 9:23-28

I.  Christ entered the true holy place on our behalf.
-Lev. 16:15-19
-Guthrie "In other words, the need for purification of the tabernacle had to do with its association with a sinful people. This holy space was made fit for continued interaction between God and his people by sacrifices that addressed the problem of sin. Correspondingly, the heavenly tabernacle, the author's conception of the place of God's presence (9:24), was made accessible to the new covenant people of God by Christ's sacrificial death. The 'heavenly things' are purified in conjunction with the purification of God's people."
-Eph. 2:4-6
 II.  Christ's sacrifice was the perfect, once for all offering.
  a.  He could not suffer often.
    i.  He was appointed to suffer once for sin.
-F.F. Bruce "It is not that Christ happened to come at the time of fulfillment, but that his coming made that time the time of fulfillment."
   ii.  It is appointed for man to die once.
  b.  His once for all sacrifice dealt effectively with sin.
-put away = athetesis = putting away, nullify, removal
-to bear = anaphero = to take up and carry away, take away, bear the burden of
-Is. 53:12; I Pet. 2:24
  c.  His return will bring salvation.
-Rom. 8:33-34

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Hebrews 9:15-22

-I Cor. 1:18, 22-23
  I.  Christ is the mediator of the new covenant inaugurated by His death.
    a.  What are the consequences of Christ's death?
     i.  The redemption of transgressions.
-redemption = apolutrosis = releasing by payment of a price, setting free, deliverance.
-Morris "While the idea of redemption is widespread in the ancient world, the actual word used here (apoloutrosis) is a rare world - a fact that may point to the conviction that the redemption Christians know is not simply another redemption among many. It is unique."
-Rom. 4:2-3, Rom. 3:25-26
-I Pet. 1:10-12
    ii.  The promise of eternal life.
    b.  Why was Christ's death necessary?
      i.  The covenant demands death.
-covenant = diatheke = covenant, will, testament
1. Diatheke as a wil or testament
-valid = bebaios = firm, guarantee, also the sense of legally valid.
2. Diatheke as a covenant.
-V. 16 "be the death of the one who made it" literally = "the necessity of death be brought of the covenant maker"
-V. 17 "men are dead" literally "over the dead"or ESV "takes effect only at death."
-covenant (Hebrews = berith) LXX translates berith as diatheke
-Guthrie "These explain the reference to the ratifier's death as symbolically realized in the death of the sacrificial victim. By this interpretation, verses 16-17 proclaim simply that someone (represented by the sacrificial victim) had to die in order for the covenant to be established."
      ii.  Forgiveness demands blood.
-Luke 22:10
-Lev. 5:11
-forgiveness = aphesis = releasing, forgiveness, cancellation

Monday, September 16, 2013

Way of the Master study questions

1.  Go back in your mind to your conversion experience, and try to recall the thoughts of that day. What do you think was your greatest sin? Was there a knowledge of future punishment? Think of what would have happened to you if you had died in your sins. then write out a prayer expressing your gratitude to God for the cross.
2. Make an effort this week to greet at least 10 strangers this week before the next session. Say something like "Hi, how are you doing?".
For deeper study.
1.  What is the biblical definition of sin. (see I John 3:4)
2.  What is it that will cause a sinner to agree with our message. (Romans 2:15, 21, 22)
3.  Spurgeon warned, "The law is the needle, and you cannot draw the silken thread of the gospel through a man's heart unless you first send the needle of the Law to make way for it." Explain what a needle does for thread, and then what the Law does for the gospel. (Rom. 5:207:13)
4.  J.C. Ryle wrote "let us expound and beat out the Ten Commandments, and show the length, and breadth, and depth, and height of their requirements. This is the way of our Lord in the Sermon on the Mount. We cannot do better than follow His plan." In Matthew 5:21-37, note where Jesus "beat out the Ten Commandments.
5. Study Matthew 15:19, 20 and identify each Commandment to which Jesus refers. Do the same thing with Mark 10:17-22.
6. Read Romans 7:7. How did Paul gain an understanding of the true nature of sin? Based on Paul's statement (and I John 3:4), is there any way people can know they have sinned against God, other than by the Law?

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Hebrews 9:11-14

What makes the new covenant and its sacrifice superior?
  I.  Christ entered the more excellent tabernacle.
   a.  He entered the tabernacle not of this world.
-Titus 2:13 appearing = epiphaneia
-appearing = paraginomai = arrive, come, appear
   b.  He entered by means of His own blood.
   c.  He entered once for all.
   d.  He entered having secured eternal salvation.
-secured = heurisko = obtained, secured
-redemption = lutrosis = redemption, liberation, set free, ransom
 II.  Christ's sacrifice provides what the old covenant sacrifices could not.
   a.  His sacrifice gives us unlimited access to God.
   b.  His sacrifice gives us unlimited cleansing.
-Is. 42:1
-without blemish = amomos = faultless, without blemish, without defect
-Is. 64:6
   c.  His sacrifice enables us to serve God.
-serve = latreuo = serve, worship

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Hebrews 9:1-10

I Pet. 1:18-20
   I.  The tabernacle in its sacrificial arrangements proclaimed the temporary nature of the old covenant.
-regulations = dikaioma = ordinance, regulation, that which is demanded by righteousness.
  II.  The worship in the tabernacle demonstrates the inadequacy of the old covenant.
   a.  Access to God was limited.
     i.  Only the high priest could enter the Holy of Holies.
    ii.  He could only enter it once each year.
   iii.  He could only enter it after first making a sacrifice for himself.
-disclosed = phaneroo = make known, reveal, show, make evident. Perfect passive infinitive.
-F.F. Bruce "What he means is that unimpeded access to the presence of God was not granted until Christ came to accomplish his sacrificial ministry."
   b.  The cleansing of the sacrifices was limited.
     i.  It was temporary.
    ii.  It was unable to cleanse the conscience.
-conscience = suneidesis = conscience, moral awareness of good and evil
-Guthrie "The problem under the old covenant consisted of the sacrificial system's inability to resolve one's awareness of guilt."
-Jer. 17:9, Rom. 8:3
-reformation = diorthosis = setting straight, restoring that which is out of line
Three conclusions concerning the character of God.
1.  God desires for people to approach Him.
2.  God is particular concerning how people can approach Him.
3.  God is holy.

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Hebrews 8:7-13

The New Covenant is superior because:
    I.  Of the ineffectiveness of the Old Covenant.
-Rom. 7:12
-effect = sunteleo = to bring to completion, to accomplish, establish
     a.  The people refused to continue in the old covenant.
-Jer. 7:24-26
     b.  God disregarded the people.
-did not care for = ameleo = disregard, pay no attention to
   II.  In this covenant God writes the law on the heart.
-Rom. 8:3, Jer. 17:9
-Ezekiel 36:26-28
   III.  Everyone in this covenant will know the Lord.
   IV.  Through this covenant God completely forgives sins.
-merciful = hileos = gracious, merciful
-Rom. 3:25-26
-Douglas Moo "This does not mean that God failed to punish or 'overlooked' sins committed before Christ; nor does it mean that God did not really forgive sins under the Old Covenant. Paul's meaning is rather that God 'postponed' the full penalty due sins in the Old Covenant, allowing sinners to stand before him without their having provided an adequate 'satisfation' of the demands of his holy justice (Heb. 10:4). "

Monday, August 26, 2013

Hebrews 8:1-6

O'Brien "It is an exposition of the effective sacrifice of the Son as High Priest."

Jesus demonstrates a better ministry by:
   I.  Taking His seat at God's right hand.
  II.  Ministering in the true tabernacle.
-minister = leitourgos = one who ministers in religious matters, minister
-in the sanctuary = ton hagion = of the holy things
 III.  Offering a superior sacrifice. 
   a.  Superior because of its singular nature.
-to offer = prosphero = to offer, to bring; first occurrence, related to the priests it is a present active infinitive. second occurrence related to Jesus it is an aorist active subjunctive.
   b.  Superior because of His superior place of service.
-copy = hypodeigma = pattern, copy
-pattern = tupos = type, pattern, stamp, example, model
 IV.  Mediating a better covenant.
-has obtained = tugchano = attain, obtain, perfect active indicative
-mediator = mesites = arbiter, mediator, go-between
-has been enacted = nomotheteo = to legalize, enact by law, ordain by law; perfect passive indicative

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Hebrews 7:11-28 (Part 3)

I.  Christ is superior because of His character and status.
-holy = hosios = holy, pious
-Ps. 145:17
-innocent = akakos = without evil, without guile, innocent
-undefiled = amiantos = without defilement, unstained, untainted
-separate = choriz = to separate, perfect passive participle
-"for it was fitting" literally rendered = "Now such a high priest was precisely appropriate to us."
  II.  Christ is superior because of the finality of His sacrifice.
   a.  Christ had no need of offering repetitive animal sacrifices.
   b.  Christ offered Himself once for all.
-once for all = ephapax = once for all time
-O'Brien "He offered himself, once for all, an expression that signifies not simply that it happened on one occasion but also that it was unrepeatable and definitive, with the result that it secured an eternal redemption."
-Is. 53:4, 10
  III.  Christ is superior because of the means of appointment.
-made perfect = teleioo = to perfect, make perfect, bring to the goal

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Hebrews 7:11-28 (Part 2)

I.  Christ's priesthood is established by the power of the Divine oath.
-oath = horkomisia = oath, taking of an oath
-MacArthur "The Levitical priests ministered in the Temple on a temporary and repetitive basis. They were mortal, so when they died, their sons had to replace them. They were also sinful, so they always had to offer sacrifices for themselves before they were qualified to offer them for the people. The sacrifices themselves only had a certain temporary effectiveness, and so had to be repeated and repeated. God intended for that priesthood to operate that way. He did not plan for it to be perfect or permanent, and so did not establish it with an oath."..."The oath does not represent greater truthfulness but puts the emphasis on permanence."
  II.  Christ is the guarantee of a better covenant.
-guarantee = enguos = guarantee, guarantor, surety, collateral
-Bruce "The enguos undertakes weightier responsibility than the mediator; he is answerable for the fulfillment of the obligation which he guarantees...Jesus guarantees the perpetual fulfillment of the covenant which he mediates, on the manward side as well as on the Godward side. As the Son of God, he confirms God's eternal covenant with his people; as his people's representative, he satisfies its terms with perfect acceptance in God's sight."
-covenant = diatheke = contract, covenant, testament
-II Tim. 1:12
  III.  Christ is our permanent priest.
   a.  Christ's priesthood is absolute.
-continues = meno = remain, continue, abides
-permanently = aparabatos = that cannot be transgressed, inviolable, unchangeable, unalterable
   b.  Christ is able to completely save those who trust Him.
-forever = (Gk phrase) eis to panteles = unto completeness, completely, uttermost
    c.  Christ who is always living makes intercession for us.
-intercession = entugchano = turn to (God on the behalf of), plead, appeal, intercede.

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Hebrews 7:11-28 (Part 1)

I.  The Levitical priesthood was insufficient.
   a.  It was unable to bring about the intended goal.
-perfection = teleiosis = perfection, reaching the goal, arriving at a desired end
-Jer. 31:33
-Rom. 3:20, Gal. 3:24
   b.  It was a temporary system which God has replaced.
-changed = matatithemi = transfer, change, put one thing in place of another
-belongs = metecho = to share with, be partaker of, belong to; perfect active indicative.
-New Linguistic and Exegetical Key "The choice of this word points to the voluntary assumption of humanity by the Lord. It is not said simply that He was born of another tribe: He was born that way of His own will."
-was descended = anatello = to arise, to spring up; perfect active indicative
-O'Brien "The verb rendered 'descended' is not the normal word to denote descent from a family or tribe. Rather, it is a figurative extension of the verb employed of 'the rising of the sun', and thus our author seems to be deliberately alluding to the messianic prophecies of the 'branch' (Zech 6:12) and the star (Num 24:17) which use this word."
-Zech. 6:12; Numb 24:17
 II.  Christ possesses the power of an indestructible life.
-indestructible = akatalutos = not able to be destroyed.
   a.  Christ is a priest forever.
   b.  Christ gives a better hope.
-setting aside = athetesis = annul, nullify, set aside
-draw near = eggizo = approach, draw near

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Hebrews 7:1-3

MacArthur "A type refers to an Old Testament person, practice, or ceremony that has a counterpart, an antitype, in the New Testament. In that sense types are predictive. The type pictures, or prefigures, the antitype. The type though it is historical, real, and of God, is nonetheless imperfect and temporary.  The antitype, on the other hand, is perfect and eternal."
1) The priests were subjects of the king.
2) The priests offered sacrifices that were not permanent.
3) The priesthood was completely hereditary.
4) The time of priestly service was temporary.
The priesthood of Melchizedek was superior because:
   I.  It was a royal priesthood.
-Gen. 14:18-20
-Most High God = El Elyon
   a.  King of righteousness.
-melek = king; sedeq = righteousness
   b.  King of peace
-shalom = peace
  II.  He received tithe from Abraham.
 III.  It wasn't dependent upon heredity.
-made like = aphomoioo = to make like, to produce a facsimile or copy
 IV.  It wasn't temporary.
-perpetually = dienenkes = without interruption, continually.
-O'Brien "Consequently, Melchizedek foreshadows the priesthood of Christ at that point where it is most fundamentally different from the Levitical priesthood."

Monday, July 8, 2013

Hebrews 6:13-20

Guthrie "The passage’s transitional purpose works as follows. The exhortation of 5:11-6:12places spotlight on human actions and responsibility. In 5:11-6:3 the writer points to the readers’ lack of growth and need to move on in the faith. In 6:4-8 the apostates’ rejection of Christ and consequent peril serves as a harsh example, the author emphasizing their lack of fruitfulness. In 6:9-12 the encouragement found in the listeners’ own past fruitfulness plays a nice counterpoint to the warning of 6:4-8, yet keeps primary focus on human response to God. To be sure, the action of God underlies the whole of5:11-6:12, but the author places the emphasis on human responsibility in responding to the works of God. All of this may lead to our feeling somewhat insecure. The reader of this commentary may have ended our treatment of 6:4-12 asking, “Then is it all up to me? Where is the provision of God in all of this?” The author of Hebrews, while wishing to emphasize the seriousness of our responsibility in responding properly to the gospel, does not intend to leave us feeling insecure. Beginning with 6:13 the discussion turns back with full force toward God’s provision of a superior basis for Christian perseverance.”
  I.  Abraham serves as an example of patient endurance.
    a.  Abraham knew God's promise is based upon His character.
    b.  Abraham patiently waited and obtained the promise.
-Gen. 22:16-18
-patienlty waited = makrothumia = longsuffering, patient endurance
 II.  God demonstrated His faithfulness through His oath.
-confirmation = bebaiosis = legal guarantee
-even more = perissoteron = more abundantly, more convincingly
    a.  To demonstrate the unchanging nature of His purpose.
-interposed = mesiteuo = to intervene, act as a mediator, sponsor, surety
    b.  To encourage His people to hold fast to the hope set before us.
-taken refuge = kataphugo = to flee, to flee for refuge
 III.  Our hope is anchored to the work of Jesus our High Priest.
-sure = asphales = safe
-steadfast = bebaios = firm, established; idea of something which is reliable, well founded or confirmed
-forerunner = prodromos = one who runs before

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Hebrews 6:9-12

I.  Continue to serve through love.
-convinced = peitho = persuade; perfect passive
-accompany = echo = have
  II.  Maintain zeal for our hope until the end.
-diligence = spoude = earnestness, diligence, great zeal
-full assurance = plerophoria = fullness, full assurance, certainty, conviction
-Guthrie "Verse 11, however, again bears witness to a basic, though often neglected dynamic in this author's sermon - the uncertainty that surrounds any evaluation of another person's status before God apart from continued manifestations of God's grace. In other words, if the outward manifestations of genuineness dealt with in 6:9-10 cease, confidence in that genuineness evaporates."
-I John 2:19; Gal. 5:22-23
 III.  Follow the example of faithful endurance.
-sluggish = nothros = dull, sluggish
-imitators = mimetes = imitate, one who is like another
-patience = makrothumia = longsuffering, patience, patient endurance
-Matt. 24:13, Phil. 1:6, I John 2:19

Monday, June 24, 2013

Hebrews 6:4-8

-Two foundational points
1) God's word promises eternal security to those in Christ.
-John 10:28-30, Rom. 8:29-30
2) God's word is without error or contradiction.
-Ps. 119:160, John 17:17
-Phil. 1:6.
  I.  It is impossible to renew to repentance those who fall away.
-impossible = adunatos = impossible. New Linguistic Key the the Greek New Testament "The word is forceful, emphatic and the affirmation is unequivocal."
-fall away = parapipto = to fall beside, to go astray
-renew again = anakainizo = to renew again, make new again
-repentance = metanoia = turn, repent, turn from one's sin
    a.  They have experienced the work of Christ yet turn away.
-englighted = photizo = enlighten, illuminate
-tasted = geuomai = taste, experience
-partakers = metochos = share in
-Acts 8:12-13, 18-23
-II Cor. 13:5
-The writer is speaking to those who have made apparent professions but their turning away indicates lack of genuine regeneration. 
-Guthrie "Thus for Hebrews, and for New Testament theology in general, true relationship with God results in a lifestyle of obedience to God. If that obedience is absent, that person's relationship with God is questionable."
    b.  They identify with those who crucified Jesus.
-crucify again = anastauro = crucify again, lift up on a cross; present tense
-put to open shame = paradeigmatizo = to expose publicly, make public example of, expose to disgrace; literally to show side by side; present tense
-O'Brien "By not restoring those who commit apostasy, God allows their firm decision to stand."
  II.  Perseverance in the test of the validity of faith.
-F.F. Bruce "Once more our author emphasizes that continuance is the test of reality. In these verses he is not questioning the perseverance of the saints; we might say that rather he is insisting that those who persevere are the true saints."
-worthless = adokimos = disapproved, disqualified, rejected after examination
-II Cor. 13:5

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Hebrews 5:11-6:3

   I.  Spiritual immaturity results in dullness to learning God's truth.
-The spiritually immature:
    a.  Are negligent of hearing.
-have become = ginomai = to be to become; perfect tense
-dull = nothros = sluggish, dull, negligent, lazy
    b.  Should have grown to be capable of teaching others.
-by this time = on account of the time
-ought = opheilo = owe, obligated, bound, must
    c.  Are still in need of spiritual milk.
-have come = ginomai; perfect tense
        i.  They still need to be taught the elementary principles.
-elementary principles = stoicheia = basic element, basic principles, elements of the alphabet
       ii.  they are inexperienced in the word of righteousness.
-accustomed to = apeiros = unskilled, inexperienced in, unacquainted with
  II.  Spiritual maturity produces the ability to assimilate and apply God's truth.
-mature = teleios = complete, mature, perfect
-The spiritually mature:
    a.  Are capable of receiving spiritual meat.
    b.  Have a character trained to discern.
-practice = hexis = habit; New Linguistic and Exegetical Key "It refers to a habit of body or mind indicating not the process but the result; the condition, produced by past exercise is now habitual, the disposition of character."
-senses = aistheterion = faculty, sense organ
-trained = gumnazo = to exercise, to train
-discern = diakrisis = distinguishing, deciding, making a judgment between two things
-New Linguistic and Exegetical Key "The goal of training is distinguishing good and evil. Because the readers had been believers for a time, they should have known that to return to Judaism was a bad choice, they would not be able to go on to maturity." 
 III.  Move on to spiritual maturity in God's truth.
    a.  Surrendering to the active influence of God.
-press on = phero = carry, bear, present tense, passive verb.
-Phil. 2:12-13
    b.  Moving beyond the foundation principles.
1) Repentance and faith.
2) Washings and laying on of hands
3) Resurrection and eternal judgment
    c.  Being dependent upon the work of God is us.

Monday, June 3, 2013

Hebrews 5:1-10 (Part 2)

I.  Christ was appointed high priest by God.
 -chiasmic structure of v. 1-10
A  The old office of high priest
   B  The sacrifices offered by the high priest
       C  The weakness of the high priest
           D  The appointment of the high priest
           D`  The appointment of Christ, the new high priest
       C`  The suffering of the new high priest
    B`  The sacrificial provision of the new high priest
A`  The new office of high priest in Christ
      a.   The Son who is King has become our final High Priest.
      b.  The Son is High Priest forever.
  II.  Christ made the sacrificial offering of Himself.
     a.  The high priest offered gifts and sacrifices; Christ offered prayers and supplications in offering Himself.
-John 17:5
    b.  The high priest was beset with weakness; Christ learned obedience.
-F.F. Bruce "He set out from the start on the path of obedience to God, and learned by the sufferings which came his way in consequence just what obedience to God involved in practice in the conditions of human life on earth...So the sufferings which Jesus endured were the necessary prices of His obedience - more than that, they were part and parcel of his obedience, the very means by which he fulfilled the will of God."
   c.  The high priest could only deal gently with the offenders; Christ completed all to fulfill the role of high priest and make atonement.
-having been made perfect = teleioo = complete, perfect
-George Guthrie, three levels of application
1) Jesus is the final high priest to whom I owe praise and obedience.
2) Jesus being a "righteous sufferer" makes Him able to identify with those who suffer for the kingdom of God.
3) Jesus offers the example of deferring to the will of God.
  III.  Christ is the source of salvation for those who obey.
-source = aitios = cause, source
-obey = hupakouo = obey, be subject to; literally to hear under; idea is to submit to the will of another, submit allegiance to
-John 14:15
  IV.  Christ's high priesthood supersedes the priesthood of Aaron.
-designated = prosagoreuo = to salute, designate, hail, name; idea is of ascribing a formal title