Friday, March 19, 2010

Romans 8:1-11

Rom. 8:1-11

I. In Christ we are no longer condemned.

-condemned = katakrima; emphasis on the penatly for the guilty verdict

a. He has set us free.

-set free = eleutheroo = liberate, set free

b. He became our substitute.

-Matt. 26:41

-likeness = homoioma; being of flesh, but not having sinful nature

-morphe = form, Phil. 2:6; the very nature.

c. His Spirit fulfills the law in us.

II. Through the Spirit our nature is made new.

a. The old nature is set against the things of God.

1. Set on the things of the flesh.

-set mind on = phroneo = way of thinking, attitude, basic orientation. Phil. 2:5

2. Set on the things of death.

3. Set against the Word of God.

b. The new nature is set on the things of God.

1. Set on the things of the Spirit.

2. Set on the things of life and peace.

III. By the Spirit we have victory.

a. If the Spirit dwells in you, you are not in the flesh.

-dwells = oikeo = to live in, to take up residence

b. If the Spirit dwells in you, you are alive.

c. If the Spirit dwells in you, your body will receive life.

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