I. We have things to remember.
a. Remember the example of godly leaders.
b. Remember the immutability of Christ.
c. Maintain purity of Christian doctrine.
II. We have a place to go.
a. Spiritual life is received only through the sacrifice of Christ.
-Bruce "The Christian altar was the sacrifice of Christ, the benefits of which were eternally accessible to them...in this new and spiritual order into which they had been introduced by faith, Christ was perpetually available, 'the same yesterday, and today, yes, and forever.'"
-Guthrie "The participants of the new covenant draw spiritual sustenance and life from a source unavailable to those of the tabernacle, and that source is the sacrifice of Christ."
b. Jesus suffered outside the camp.
-Lev. 16:27
-sanctify = hagiazo = set apart as sacred, set apart for God, sacred, holy
c. We must go to Him outside the camp.
-Ex. 33:7
-reproach = oneidismos = shame, insult, abuse, disgrace, reproach
-Luke 9:23
i. This world is passing away.
-lasting = meno = remain, abide
ii. We are pursuing the lasting city to come.
-to come = mello = to be about to
-seeking = epizeteo = to search for, pursue, seek after, desire