Sunday, March 23, 2014

Hebrews 12:18-24

I.  The Law confronts us with judgment and fear.
-Eph. 2:3, Rom. 3:20
-Mt. Sinai represents:
   a.  The unapproachable holiness of God.
-darkness = gnopho
-gloom = zopho
-Ex. 19:18-19
-Ex. 20:21
   b.  The thunder voice which prohibited access.
-Ex. 20:19
-diastello = to command, to order; present active participle
-Ex. 19:12-13
-terrible = phoberos = fearful, terrifying
-sight = phantazomai = spectacle
  II.  The Gospel presents us with grace and joy.
-Mt. Zion represents:
   a.  The approachableness of God.
-have come = proseleluthate
   b.  The exuberant assembly of God's creatures.
-general assembly = paneguris = festive gathering
-enrolled = apographo = to write off, to enroll
   c.  The blood which speaks a better word to provide access.
-John Newton "Fading is the world's best pleasure, All its boasted pomp and show; Solid joys and lasting treasure, None but Zion's children know."

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