Monday, August 26, 2013

Hebrews 8:1-6

O'Brien "It is an exposition of the effective sacrifice of the Son as High Priest."

Jesus demonstrates a better ministry by:
   I.  Taking His seat at God's right hand.
  II.  Ministering in the true tabernacle.
-minister = leitourgos = one who ministers in religious matters, minister
-in the sanctuary = ton hagion = of the holy things
 III.  Offering a superior sacrifice. 
   a.  Superior because of its singular nature.
-to offer = prosphero = to offer, to bring; first occurrence, related to the priests it is a present active infinitive. second occurrence related to Jesus it is an aorist active subjunctive.
   b.  Superior because of His superior place of service.
-copy = hypodeigma = pattern, copy
-pattern = tupos = type, pattern, stamp, example, model
 IV.  Mediating a better covenant.
-has obtained = tugchano = attain, obtain, perfect active indicative
-mediator = mesites = arbiter, mediator, go-between
-has been enacted = nomotheteo = to legalize, enact by law, ordain by law; perfect passive indicative

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Hebrews 7:11-28 (Part 3)

I.  Christ is superior because of His character and status.
-holy = hosios = holy, pious
-Ps. 145:17
-innocent = akakos = without evil, without guile, innocent
-undefiled = amiantos = without defilement, unstained, untainted
-separate = choriz = to separate, perfect passive participle
-"for it was fitting" literally rendered = "Now such a high priest was precisely appropriate to us."
  II.  Christ is superior because of the finality of His sacrifice.
   a.  Christ had no need of offering repetitive animal sacrifices.
   b.  Christ offered Himself once for all.
-once for all = ephapax = once for all time
-O'Brien "He offered himself, once for all, an expression that signifies not simply that it happened on one occasion but also that it was unrepeatable and definitive, with the result that it secured an eternal redemption."
-Is. 53:4, 10
  III.  Christ is superior because of the means of appointment.
-made perfect = teleioo = to perfect, make perfect, bring to the goal

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Hebrews 7:11-28 (Part 2)

I.  Christ's priesthood is established by the power of the Divine oath.
-oath = horkomisia = oath, taking of an oath
-MacArthur "The Levitical priests ministered in the Temple on a temporary and repetitive basis. They were mortal, so when they died, their sons had to replace them. They were also sinful, so they always had to offer sacrifices for themselves before they were qualified to offer them for the people. The sacrifices themselves only had a certain temporary effectiveness, and so had to be repeated and repeated. God intended for that priesthood to operate that way. He did not plan for it to be perfect or permanent, and so did not establish it with an oath."..."The oath does not represent greater truthfulness but puts the emphasis on permanence."
  II.  Christ is the guarantee of a better covenant.
-guarantee = enguos = guarantee, guarantor, surety, collateral
-Bruce "The enguos undertakes weightier responsibility than the mediator; he is answerable for the fulfillment of the obligation which he guarantees...Jesus guarantees the perpetual fulfillment of the covenant which he mediates, on the manward side as well as on the Godward side. As the Son of God, he confirms God's eternal covenant with his people; as his people's representative, he satisfies its terms with perfect acceptance in God's sight."
-covenant = diatheke = contract, covenant, testament
-II Tim. 1:12
  III.  Christ is our permanent priest.
   a.  Christ's priesthood is absolute.
-continues = meno = remain, continue, abides
-permanently = aparabatos = that cannot be transgressed, inviolable, unchangeable, unalterable
   b.  Christ is able to completely save those who trust Him.
-forever = (Gk phrase) eis to panteles = unto completeness, completely, uttermost
    c.  Christ who is always living makes intercession for us.
-intercession = entugchano = turn to (God on the behalf of), plead, appeal, intercede.

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Hebrews 7:11-28 (Part 1)

I.  The Levitical priesthood was insufficient.
   a.  It was unable to bring about the intended goal.
-perfection = teleiosis = perfection, reaching the goal, arriving at a desired end
-Jer. 31:33
-Rom. 3:20, Gal. 3:24
   b.  It was a temporary system which God has replaced.
-changed = matatithemi = transfer, change, put one thing in place of another
-belongs = metecho = to share with, be partaker of, belong to; perfect active indicative.
-New Linguistic and Exegetical Key "The choice of this word points to the voluntary assumption of humanity by the Lord. It is not said simply that He was born of another tribe: He was born that way of His own will."
-was descended = anatello = to arise, to spring up; perfect active indicative
-O'Brien "The verb rendered 'descended' is not the normal word to denote descent from a family or tribe. Rather, it is a figurative extension of the verb employed of 'the rising of the sun', and thus our author seems to be deliberately alluding to the messianic prophecies of the 'branch' (Zech 6:12) and the star (Num 24:17) which use this word."
-Zech. 6:12; Numb 24:17
 II.  Christ possesses the power of an indestructible life.
-indestructible = akatalutos = not able to be destroyed.
   a.  Christ is a priest forever.
   b.  Christ gives a better hope.
-setting aside = athetesis = annul, nullify, set aside
-draw near = eggizo = approach, draw near