Thursday, March 11, 2010

Romans 7:14-25

Rom. 7:14-25

I. What conflict do we face?

We face an inner conflict.

a. We don’t do what we want.

b. We practice what we don’t want.
-Ps. 119:104, 113, 128, 163

c. We recognize the truth of the law.

II. How did the conflict begin?

Our inner conflict is the result of sanctification.

a. Sin dwells in the flesh.
John MacArthur "After salvation, sin like a dposed and exiled ruler, no longer reigns in a person's life, but it manages to survive. It no longer resides in the innermost self but finds its residual dwelling in his flesh, in the unredeemed humanness that remains until a believer meets the Lord at the Rapture or at death."

b. We are given a new nature that desires the good.

c. The conflict arises between the flesh and the new nature.

III. Why does conflict continue?

Our inner conflict continues because we desire to do the good.

a. Our inner nature agrees with the Law.

b. An internal war rages.

c. We can become a prisoner of the law of members.

d. Our struggle results from spiritual transformation.

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