Sunday, March 21, 2010
Sermon Notes Romans 8:12-17
Friday, March 19, 2010
Romans 8:1-11
I. In Christ we are no longer condemned.
-condemned = katakrima; emphasis on the penatly for the guilty verdict
a. He has set us free.
-set free = eleutheroo = liberate, set free
b. He became our substitute.
-Matt. 26:41
-likeness = homoioma; being of flesh, but not having sinful nature
-morphe = form, Phil. 2:6; the very nature.
c. His Spirit fulfills the law in us.
II. Through the Spirit our nature is made new.
a. The old nature is set against the things of God.
1. Set on the things of the flesh.
-set mind on = phroneo = way of thinking, attitude, basic orientation. Phil. 2:5
2. Set on the things of death.
3. Set against the Word of God.
b. The new nature is set on the things of God.
1. Set on the things of the Spirit.
2. Set on the things of life and peace.
III. By the Spirit we have victory.
a. If the Spirit dwells in you, you are not in the flesh.
-dwells = oikeo = to live in, to take up residence
b. If the Spirit dwells in you, you are alive.
c. If the Spirit dwells in you, your body will receive life.
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Romans 7:14-25
I. What conflict do we face?
We face an inner conflict.
a. We don’t do what we want.
c. We recognize the truth of the law.
II. How did the conflict begin?
Our inner conflict is the result of sanctification.
b. We are given a new nature that desires the good.
c. The conflict arises between the flesh and the new nature.
III. Why does conflict continue?
Our inner conflict continues because we desire to do the good.
a. Our inner nature agrees with the Law.
b. An internal war rages.
c. We can become a prisoner of the law of members.
Thursday, March 4, 2010
Sermon Notes Romans 7:7-13
I. The Law identifies the divine standard.a. Sin uses the law as its starting point.-"taking opportunity" = aphorme = starting point, base of operationsb. Sin uses the law to bring the sinner to ruin.1. We are self-deceived.-Phil. 3:4-102. We continue to increase sin.-Acts 26:143. We are under the penalty of death.-Lev. 18:5, Deut. 30:2, 15-16, 19-20.-Christopher Wright “What is this life? The reply Jesus gives to the rich man who asks such a question is authentically scriptural (cf. Matt. 19:17, Lev. 18:5). In the words of verse 16, life is loving God, walking in his ways and keepinghis commands. In the words of v. 19f., life is loving God, listening to God, and having loyalty to God. Life, in the end, is not found in the law itself, but in the God who gave it; for ultimately, the Lord is your life.”-Gal. 3:19-22II. The Law reveals the sinfulness of sin.a. The law is holy and good.-Ps. 19:7-11b. Sin works death through the law.c. The law exposes the evilness of sin.-utterly = hyperbole = beyond measure-Thomas Schriener “Jewish opponents of Paul’s gospel contended that freedom from the law opened the door for sin. Paul turns the tables on them by insisting that it is those who are under the law who are in bondage to sin. The Jews never found freedom under the law, and the promises of salvation have not been fulfilled. Only those who have died with Christ to the law and possess the H.S. have the ability to bear fruit for God.”