Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Sermon Notes from Romans 6:8-14

Because of our union with Christ:

I. Death is defeated.

a. The rule of death is broken.
b. The dominion of sin is ended.(Heb. 7:27, 9:12, 10:10)
c. The life we live is to God.

II. Don't let sin reign in your life.(Titus 2:11-12)

"For a Christian to live out
the fullness of his new life in Christ, for him to truly live as the
new creation that he is, he must know and believe that he is not what
he used to be. He must understand that he is not a remodeled
sinner but a remade saint. He must understand that, despite his present
conflict with sin, he is no longer under sin's tyranny and will never
be again." - John MacArthur

a. Don't use your members for

instrument= hoplon = weapon

b. Present your members for

III. Sin is not our master. (Titus 2:11-14)
reign= basileuo = rule, reign
master = kurieuo = have power over,rule over, lord over.

"...from him (Christ) as from a
fountain, sanctification flows into the souls of the saints: their
sanctification comes not so much from their struggling, and endeavors,
and vows, and resolutions, as it comes flowing to them from their union
with him."-Jeremiah Bourroughs

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