MacArthur "A type refers to an Old Testament person, practice, or ceremony that has a counterpart, an antitype, in the New Testament. In that sense types are predictive. The type pictures, or prefigures, the antitype. The type though it is historical, real, and of God, is nonetheless imperfect and temporary. The antitype, on the other hand, is perfect and eternal."
1) The priests were subjects of the king.
2) The priests offered sacrifices that were not permanent.
3) The priesthood was completely hereditary.
4) The time of priestly service was temporary.
The priesthood of Melchizedek was superior because:
I. It was a royal priesthood.
-Gen. 14:18-20
-Most High God = El Elyon
a. King of righteousness.
-melek = king; sedeq = righteousness
b. King of peace
-shalom = peace
II. He received tithe from Abraham.
III. It wasn't dependent upon heredity.
-made like = aphomoioo = to make like, to produce a facsimile or copy
IV. It wasn't temporary.
-perpetually = dienenkes = without interruption, continually.
-O'Brien "Consequently, Melchizedek foreshadows the priesthood of Christ at that point where it is most fundamentally different from the Levitical priesthood."