Monday, June 24, 2013

Hebrews 6:4-8

-Two foundational points
1) God's word promises eternal security to those in Christ.
-John 10:28-30, Rom. 8:29-30
2) God's word is without error or contradiction.
-Ps. 119:160, John 17:17
-Phil. 1:6.
  I.  It is impossible to renew to repentance those who fall away.
-impossible = adunatos = impossible. New Linguistic Key the the Greek New Testament "The word is forceful, emphatic and the affirmation is unequivocal."
-fall away = parapipto = to fall beside, to go astray
-renew again = anakainizo = to renew again, make new again
-repentance = metanoia = turn, repent, turn from one's sin
    a.  They have experienced the work of Christ yet turn away.
-englighted = photizo = enlighten, illuminate
-tasted = geuomai = taste, experience
-partakers = metochos = share in
-Acts 8:12-13, 18-23
-II Cor. 13:5
-The writer is speaking to those who have made apparent professions but their turning away indicates lack of genuine regeneration. 
-Guthrie "Thus for Hebrews, and for New Testament theology in general, true relationship with God results in a lifestyle of obedience to God. If that obedience is absent, that person's relationship with God is questionable."
    b.  They identify with those who crucified Jesus.
-crucify again = anastauro = crucify again, lift up on a cross; present tense
-put to open shame = paradeigmatizo = to expose publicly, make public example of, expose to disgrace; literally to show side by side; present tense
-O'Brien "By not restoring those who commit apostasy, God allows their firm decision to stand."
  II.  Perseverance in the test of the validity of faith.
-F.F. Bruce "Once more our author emphasizes that continuance is the test of reality. In these verses he is not questioning the perseverance of the saints; we might say that rather he is insisting that those who persevere are the true saints."
-worthless = adokimos = disapproved, disqualified, rejected after examination
-II Cor. 13:5

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Hebrews 5:11-6:3

   I.  Spiritual immaturity results in dullness to learning God's truth.
-The spiritually immature:
    a.  Are negligent of hearing.
-have become = ginomai = to be to become; perfect tense
-dull = nothros = sluggish, dull, negligent, lazy
    b.  Should have grown to be capable of teaching others.
-by this time = on account of the time
-ought = opheilo = owe, obligated, bound, must
    c.  Are still in need of spiritual milk.
-have come = ginomai; perfect tense
        i.  They still need to be taught the elementary principles.
-elementary principles = stoicheia = basic element, basic principles, elements of the alphabet
       ii.  they are inexperienced in the word of righteousness.
-accustomed to = apeiros = unskilled, inexperienced in, unacquainted with
  II.  Spiritual maturity produces the ability to assimilate and apply God's truth.
-mature = teleios = complete, mature, perfect
-The spiritually mature:
    a.  Are capable of receiving spiritual meat.
    b.  Have a character trained to discern.
-practice = hexis = habit; New Linguistic and Exegetical Key "It refers to a habit of body or mind indicating not the process but the result; the condition, produced by past exercise is now habitual, the disposition of character."
-senses = aistheterion = faculty, sense organ
-trained = gumnazo = to exercise, to train
-discern = diakrisis = distinguishing, deciding, making a judgment between two things
-New Linguistic and Exegetical Key "The goal of training is distinguishing good and evil. Because the readers had been believers for a time, they should have known that to return to Judaism was a bad choice, they would not be able to go on to maturity." 
 III.  Move on to spiritual maturity in God's truth.
    a.  Surrendering to the active influence of God.
-press on = phero = carry, bear, present tense, passive verb.
-Phil. 2:12-13
    b.  Moving beyond the foundation principles.
1) Repentance and faith.
2) Washings and laying on of hands
3) Resurrection and eternal judgment
    c.  Being dependent upon the work of God is us.

Monday, June 3, 2013

Hebrews 5:1-10 (Part 2)

I.  Christ was appointed high priest by God.
 -chiasmic structure of v. 1-10
A  The old office of high priest
   B  The sacrifices offered by the high priest
       C  The weakness of the high priest
           D  The appointment of the high priest
           D`  The appointment of Christ, the new high priest
       C`  The suffering of the new high priest
    B`  The sacrificial provision of the new high priest
A`  The new office of high priest in Christ
      a.   The Son who is King has become our final High Priest.
      b.  The Son is High Priest forever.
  II.  Christ made the sacrificial offering of Himself.
     a.  The high priest offered gifts and sacrifices; Christ offered prayers and supplications in offering Himself.
-John 17:5
    b.  The high priest was beset with weakness; Christ learned obedience.
-F.F. Bruce "He set out from the start on the path of obedience to God, and learned by the sufferings which came his way in consequence just what obedience to God involved in practice in the conditions of human life on earth...So the sufferings which Jesus endured were the necessary prices of His obedience - more than that, they were part and parcel of his obedience, the very means by which he fulfilled the will of God."
   c.  The high priest could only deal gently with the offenders; Christ completed all to fulfill the role of high priest and make atonement.
-having been made perfect = teleioo = complete, perfect
-George Guthrie, three levels of application
1) Jesus is the final high priest to whom I owe praise and obedience.
2) Jesus being a "righteous sufferer" makes Him able to identify with those who suffer for the kingdom of God.
3) Jesus offers the example of deferring to the will of God.
  III.  Christ is the source of salvation for those who obey.
-source = aitios = cause, source
-obey = hupakouo = obey, be subject to; literally to hear under; idea is to submit to the will of another, submit allegiance to
-John 14:15
  IV.  Christ's high priesthood supersedes the priesthood of Aaron.
-designated = prosagoreuo = to salute, designate, hail, name; idea is of ascribing a formal title