Sunday, May 29, 2011

Sermon Notes: Encouragement in Suffering 1 Peter 2:18-25

I.  Submit to those in authority. 
-Schreiner "They did not believe that overhauling social structures would transform culture. Their concern was the relationship of individuals to God, and they focused on the sin and rebellion of individuals against their Creator. New Testament writers therefore concentrated instead on the godly response of believers to mistreatment." 
     a. We must submit because God commands it. 
-respect = phobos = fear 
     b. We must submit despite their character. 
-MacArthur "The focus on 'rights' in the workplace, whatever the results, is incongruous with the Christian life. Believers are to be concerned instead with obedience and submission to God's will. When they obey and submit to their superiors, as He commands, they prove that their real hope is in the world to come."
-unreasonable = skolios = crooked, perverse 
     c. We must submit because it finds favor with God.
-bears up under = upophero = endure
   II.  Christ is the example we follow. 
-example = hupogrammos
-follow = follow after, follow closely, devote oneself to.
-steps = ichnos = footprints 
     a.  Jesus provides the pattern of enduring suffering.
       i.  He suffered though innocent.-Is. 53:9
      ii.  He did not retaliate. 
    b.   Jesus' atontment leads us to live to righteousness. 
-die = apoginomai = get away from, depart, cease to exist
   III.  Christ was our perfect substitute.-Is. 53:4, 12
-cross = xulon = tree, wood; Deut. 21:23 

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Sermon Notes: 1 Peter - Encouragement in Suffering 1 Peter 2:11-12

I.  Abstain from the desires of the flesh.
   -parakaleo = urge, call, encourage.
   -abstain = apechomai = to hold oneself away from
     a.  Because we are citizens of God's kingdom.
         -aliens = paroikos = person who lives in a foreign country
         -stranger = parepidemos = temporary sojourner
         -Gen. 23:4, Eph. 3:20
        -Peter Davids "The knowledge that they do not belong does not lead to withdrawal, but to their taking their standards of behavior, not from the culture in which they live, but from their 'home' culture of heaven, so that their life always fits the place they are headed to, rather than their temporary lodging in this world."
     b.  Because we have a war to win.
         -wage war = strateuomai = to carry out a military campaign 
         -John 10:10; Gal. 5:16 
II.  Live honorably before the world.
     -excellent = kalos = beautiful in outward form; lovely, fine, winsome,  gracious
    -visitation = episkope = visit (of the presence of God)
What does it mean that they will glorify God on the day of visitation?
         1) Salvation of the persecutors
-KJV Gen. 21:1, Ex. 3:16, 4:31, I Sam. 2:21, NAS Luke 1:68, 7:16
         2) Judgment of the persecutors
-KJV Is. 10:3, Jer, 11:23, 23:12, 46:21, 48:44, 50:27
-NAS Luke 19:44; Is. 45:23-24, Phil 2:10-11, Rev. 6:9-11

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Sermon Notes: Qualities of Great Faith

Qualities of Great Faith
   I.  Respond to the amount of light we have.
-Mark 3:8
-MacArthur "This woman's faith was not great because it was stronger or more sincere or mature than the faith of many Jews who believed in Christ but because it was based on so little light."
-Luke 11:34-36
  II.  React to our condition with repentance.
-mercy = eleos = compassion, have pity, mercy; Often in the New Testament this verb was used of "the breaking in of divine mercy into the reality of human misery." New International Dictionary of New Testament Theology
-Is. 35:5-6, 61:1
  III.  Remain persistent in times of silence.
  IV. Readiness to submit in humility.
-bow down = proskuneo = worship, bown down, prostrate, kneel, fall down and worship

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Sermon Notes: 1 Peter 2:4-10

I Peter 2:4-10
    I.   We are built upon the Cornerstone.
        a.       We can expect rejection by the world.
        b.      We are living stones.
        c.       We are being built as a spiritual house.
        d.      We are a holy priesthood.
        e.       We offer spiritual sacrifices.
        f.        We receive honor
  II.  Those who reject the message stumble over the Cornerstone.
-Is. 28:16, Ps. 118:22; Is. 8:14
       a.  They reject and disobey the Word.
-disobedient = apeitheo = disobey; implies the idea of refusing to believe, rejection.
-Acts 26:28, Gal. 5:7
       b.  They were appointed to destruction.
-appoint = tithemi = to place, to set, to appoint
-John 3:17-18, Heb. 10:29, I Cor. 16:22
      "Unbelievers receive the exact judgment their sinful choice demands - becuase they do not believe and obey the gospel. God does not actively destine people to unbelief; but He does appoint judgment (doom) on every unbeliever. God judges unbelievers as a consequence of their lack of love for HIm, their disobedience to His Word, and their refusal to believe in Him."-MacArthur 
 III.  We proclaim the work of our Cornerstone.
-proclaim = exangeleo = to declare, to proclaim, tell
-excellencies = aretas = virtue, goodness, the ability to do heroic deeds.
       a.  He has given us a new citizenship.
-Deut. 7:6, 10:15; Ex. 19:6;
-royal = basileion = royal, palace;
-Deut. 14:2
-possession = peripoiesis = to acquire at a price
       b.  He has brought us from darkness to light.
-I john 1:6, John 3:19-20, I John 1:7
       c.  He has made us His people and shown us His mercy.
-Hosea 1:10, 2:23