Thursday, March 24, 2011

Meet Edgar

Edgar is 15 years old and in the 10th grade at Lifesong Honduras.

On June 5th, 2009 his father was shot and killed because he didn't want to sell his property, leaving his mother alone to raise Edgar and his brothers.

Recently Edgar's family decided to move to another state and wanted him to join them.  However, even though it was hard to watch them leave, he was determined to continue his education at Escalon.  After being there for 3 years, Edgar understands his need for education as a step towards a better life.

When asked about these major trials he has had to face in his young life, he simply says,

"It's just like "Pastor Guy" (Lifesong Honduras director) always says, "we should never give up."  

After graduating Edgar wants to study in the medical field.  He desires to use these skills to help people in need and give back as he has been given.

With your support we can continue to serve more kids like Edgar.

Our goal is:

We have 16.5 commitments.

We need 83.5 more.

Please prayerfully consider joining us as we strive to bring joy and purpose to orphans in Honduras! YOUR DONATION WILL BE DOUBLED by a gracious giver!

Contact us at at to make your commitment AND be sure to tell them tha we sent you from our blog!

Hear personal stories and check back for progress through the end of the month!
*All administrative costs are covered, so 100% of your donation will go directly toward helping orphans!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

What if every time you gave a dollar to orphans it became one more? 

One more dollar towards food, education, shelter?

One more dollar towards sharing the Gospel and providing Biblical mentorship?

One more dollar towards changing the life of a child?

I love to use this platform to advocate for those in need... and thanks to a generous donor every dollar given to Lifesong Honduras will be matched… up to $120,000!  We praise the Lord for this amazing gift and invite you to be a part of it.

Over the next 10 days we are teaming with Lifesong and are hoping for 100 1-year commitments of $30 a month.  Just think, for about $1 a day a life in Honduras can be forever changed.

Partnering with Tree of Life Missions in Honduras, Lifesong for Orphans is able to work toward providing hope to the hopeless, help to the helpless and healing to the hurting.  TOLM reaches kids through a program called Plan Escalon.  (Escalon is translated "escalator" and is used to describe the children's escalator out of poverty/brokenness.) 
Through this program we strive toward:
  • Providing an education to the poorest of youth
  • Providing food to the poorest of youth
  • Providing vocational training & micro-business opportunities
  • Providing free medical and dental clinics to those in need
  • Training young people to give back to their communities
  • Reaching people in the jungles of the Mosquito Coast 

Stay tuned for stories, personal testimonies, and fun ways to spread awareness and instill a heart of giving in your kids!

Our goal is:

Will you help us?  100 commitments in ten days is no small feat, but with God it is possible.  We have seen Him move mightily in His people to serve orphans and we pray that this ten weeks will be a testimony of that!  Together we can make a difference in the lives of these kids!  Together we can do more to bring joy and purpose to orphans!

Contact Lifesong at to make your commitment AND be sure to tell them that we sent you from our blog!

Hear personal stories & follow the progress on our blog all this week!

Check back often to hear personal stories and get updates on the progress.  Please join us in prayer as we ask the Lord to raise up 100 commitments!

Monday, March 14, 2011

Sermon Notes: 1 Peter Encouragement in Suffering 1 Peter 1:3-9

I.  Praise God for our eternal hope. V. 3-5
     -blessed = eulogetos
"Divine mercy takes the sinner from misery to glory (a change of condition), and divine grace takes him from guilt to acquittal (a change of position)."-MacArthur
    -anagenneo = to cause to be born again
            a. Our hope is living. V. 3
            b. Our inheritance is imperishable.  V. 4
-imperishable = aphtharton = not corruptible, not subject to destruction.
-undefiled = amianton = pure, unstained, unpolluted
-will not fade away = amaranton = permanent
            c. We are protected by God.  V. 5
-protected = shielded, guard, keep watch over
II. Rejoice in times of suffering. V. 6-9
            a. Trials can produce positive effect.
                        i. Trials prove our faith.
                        -proof = dokimion = approved after trial
                        ii. Trials demonstrate the worth of our faith.
"The genuine element in their faith was proven by a process similar to that of metal refining and is found to be something more precious than these precious metals."
            b. Trials cannot last forever.
            c. Trials cannot stop our love for Christ.
            d. Trials cannot steal our joy.
            e. Trials cannot prevent the outcome of our faith.

Monday, March 7, 2011

1 Peter - Encouragement in Suffering

 I.  Being God's chosen makes us pilgrims in a foreign land.
-chosen = eklektos = election
-aliens = parepidemos = temporary resident, refugee
The elements of election:
   a.  Foreknowledge of God the Father.
-foreknowledge = prognosis = know beforehand
-Matt. 1:25 "know" is the Greek word ginosko, which has the inference of relational intimate knowledge. God's foreknowledge is intimate and relational. 
   b.  Sanctification of the Spirit.
-sanctifying work = hagiasmos = consecration, dedication, sanctification, holiness
   c.  Cleansing by Christ.
-Rom. 1:5, 16:26; Ex. 24:3-8, Hebrews 9:18-28
 II.  Being God's chosen results in immeasurable benefit.
-scattered = diaspora
-peace = eirene = shalom
-fullest measure = plethuno = to multiply 
“Peter prays for the multiplication of grace and peace that the trails through with the Asiatic Christians are about to pass may result in a manifold increase of grace and peace.”