"I have rather - though the expression may seem harsh to some - called this the 'appetite for God' than 'the love of God.' The 'love of God' too easily suggests the word 'spiritual' in all those negative or restrictive senses which it has unhappily acquired...[The appetitie for God] has all the cheerful spontaneity of a natural, even a physical, desire." C.S. Lewis
Qualities of those with a hunger for God:I. They long to remain in the presence of the Lord.-yearns = to come to an end, be finished-Matt. 10:29
"It is a psalm of people who were present in the temple, who served in God's house, and who are expressing here how intensely their very souls yearned and even fainted for God. They are saying that their souls yearned for God's house not because they were separated from it, but becuase that is where they were and wanted to be. It was why they were serving."James Montgomery Boice
II. The joy of the Lord strengthens them on their journey.-Phil. 3:14III. They depend on the Lord to protect them.-glory = abundance, honor, riches
IV. They realize how greatly they are blessed.