Sunday, January 30, 2011

Sermon Notes: Psalm 46

I.  The Lord is our fortress. 
    a.  He is the secure place to flee to.
         very present = abundant, exceedingly, muchness
    b.  He is the source of strength in the face of distress.
II.  The Lord is our peace.
-Eze. 47:1; Rev. 22:1
   when morning dawns" = at the turning of the morning
"Nations with their armies may clash, but peace reigns among the people of God, because the Lord Almighty is with us and if we are threatened, the God of Jacob is our fortress."
III.  The Lord is our victory.
    a.  He brings conflict to an end.
    b.  He is to be exalted.
         cease = stop
    c.  He is with His people.
        Lord of hosts = Yahweh Sabaoth

   "The God of Jacob is the Lord of Hosts. More wonderous still, the Lord of Hosts is the God of Jacob."  Alexander Maclaren

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Psalm 40

Psalm 40
 I.  Reflect on the Lord's past deliverance.
     a.  Praise the Lord for His deliverance.
-destruction = wasteland, miry clay = mud, mire
-Jer. 38:6
     b.  Be encouraged to trust the Lord.
-Is. 44:10, 28:15
     c.  Obey with sincerity of heart.
-I Sam. 15:22; Is. 1:11; Heb. 10:6 
     d.  Be ready to testify.
  II.  Trust the Lord to deliver again.
     a.  Remember the Lord is compassionate.
     b.  Rest in the Lord's lovingkindness.
-preserves = keep watch, guard from danger
     c.  Remain convinced of the Lord's protection.
     d.  Rejoice in the Lord's salvation.
-Phil. 1:20
     e.  Wait on the Lord to deliver.
-Is. 28:15-16

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Sermon Notes: Psalm 37

I.                    Don’t fret over the prosperity of the wicked.  V. 1-11
-Fret = get heated, burn w/anger. I.e. “don’t get so worked up” or “stay cool.” 
a.       Trust in the Lord. V. 3
-cultivate = graze, pasture
b.      Delight in the Lord. V. 4
-delight = take pleasure in
c.       Commit your way to the Lord. V. 5-6 
-commit = roll, roll away 
d.      Be still before the Lord.  V. 7
-rest = be still, be quiet
e.       Don’t become jealous or angry. V. 1, 8
f.        Wait patiently for the Lord’s vindication. V. 2, 9-11
II.                 The Lord will bring justice to the wicked.  V. 12-22
a.       The wicked devise evil plans, but the Lord laughs. V. 12-13
b.      The wicked attack the weak, but they will destroy themselves.  V. 14-15
c.       The wicked have much, but their wealth will be lost. V. 16-17
d.      The wicked will vanish like smoke, but the upright are protected. V. 18-20
e.       The wicked seek the land, but the upright will inherit it. V. 20
III.               The Lord blesses His beloved.  V. 23-33
a.       He holds us. V. 23-24
-I Pet. 5:7, Is. 26:3
b.      He provides for us.  V. 25-26
-Heb. 13:5, Ps. 118:6
c.       He keeps us. V. 28-29
IV.              Wait in the hope of the Lord’s deliverance.  V. 30-40
a.       Keep the Lord’s way while you wait.  V. 34,  31, 30, 27
b.      Know the wicked will receive justice.  V. 35-38
                        c.   Rest in the refuge of the Lord. V. 39-40
                        -strength = safety, hiding place
                        -refuge = shelter