Rom. 15:14-21
I. Care for the spiritual well being of others.
-admonish = noutheteo = admonish, warn.
"The person is led away from a false way through warning, instruction, reminder, teaching and encouragement so his conduct is corrected."
-minister = leitourgos = servant, minister;
Luke 1:23, Heb. 8:1-2, 6; I Pet. 2:9
II. Boast only in what Christ has done through us.
-Phil. 3:4-8; I Tim. 1:12-14, Gal. 6:14
a. We have nothing in ourselves to boast about.
b. Do not fail to boast about what God has done.
III. Develop a Christ directed vision throughout life.
-Acts 9:15, Gal. 1:16
-aspire = philotimeomai = to be fond of or love honor.
-Acts 16:6-10
-Bruce Waltke "Finding the Will of God"
God's Program of Guidance.
1. Reading your Bible.
2. Developing a heart for the Lord.
3. Seeking wise counsel.
4. Looking for God's providence.
5. Does this make sense?
6. Divine intervention.