Saturday, July 31, 2010

Sermon Notes: In Christ Alone - Romans 11:28-36

Rom. 11:28-36 
  I.  God is faithful to His promises to restore Israel.
    a.  God will restore Israel despite their enmity.
-John 8:42
-Rom. 5:10
    b.  Israel is beloved by God.
-choice = ekloge = election
-Deut. 7:7-8, 10:15
    c.  God's promises are irrevocable.
-Gen. 15:18
  II.  God is gracioius to show mercy.
-Eph. 2:2
-mercy = eleeo idea of compassion to those in need to met that need.
-Deut. 10:17
 III.  Praise God.
   a.  His wisdom is unsearchable.
-unsearchable = anezeraunetos = unfathomable, unsearchable, unable to explain in human words
-unfathomable = anexichneiastoi = untraceable, literally not to be able to track
-I Cor. 2:14
   b.  He is transcendent.
-I Cor. 2:10-11
-Job 35:7, 41:11
   c.  He is the end of all things

"The greatest single distinguishing feature of the omnipotence of God is that our imaginatino gets lost when thinking about it." - Blaise Pascal

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Sermon Notes: IN CHRIST ALONE : Romans 11:25-27

Rom. 11:25-27.
 I.  Israel's restoration reveals the mystery.
mystery = musterion = secret, something unknown until revealed
     a.  Israel's hardening is partial.
hardening = porosis = covering with callous, dulled perception
     b.  Israel's hardening is temporary.
     c.  Israel's hardening will end in salvation.

What does "all" mean?
Who is "Israel"?

-Gal. 3:28, 6:16
-Ezek. 20:33-38

 "God used the shepherd figureher, apt since He was their Great Shepherd. As a shepherd, God brings His sheep home their fold, has them file in, separating sheep from goats, passing under His shepherd's rod to be noted and checked for injury. He will bring them into the bond of the New Covenant by giving them His Spirit with life. This is Israel's final salvation. God will se that no rebel, no one without the renewing by His Spirit in salvation, will come back to Palestine to have a part in the messianic kingdom.  All whom He permits to return will serve Him, in contrast to those who serve idols. The purging takes place during the 'time of Jacobs distress,' during the Great Tribulaiton."-MacArthur Study Bible

-Rev. 7:3-4; 14:4
 II.  Israel's restoration is confirmed by Scripture.
-Is. 59:20-21, 27:9
    a.  The Deliverer will come.
-Heb. 12:22
    b.  The covenant is fufilled.
-Gen. 15:17-18
    c.  The sin of the nation will be removed.
 aphaireo = take away, remove, cut off
Matt 26:51, Heb. 10:4

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Sermon Notes: In Christ Alone Romans 11:16-24

Rom. 11:16-24
apotheo = rejection, repudiate; idea of abandonment
apobole = loss, cast away/aside, set aside
Theme:  The setting aside of Israel is temporary.
  I.  The holiness of the firstfruits anticipates the acceptance of the whole.
 II.  We Gentiles must not become arrogant.
   a.  We are grafted in because of Israel's rejection.
   b.  We are grafted in as a result of faith alone.
   c.  We are grafted in only because of God's grace.
III.  God is able to graft Israel back in.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Sermon Notes Romans 11:11-15

Romans 11:11-15 

I. Israel's rejection is "by God", as well as "of God" v.15 
  • "rejection" translated from "apobolh" meaning throwing away 
  • "acceptance" translated from "proslemsis" referring to God's and Christ's acceptance of believers 
    Rom 14:31, 15:7 

II. Israel's rejection is temporary v.11 
    Jeremiah 31:31-34, Rev 7:4, Zech 12:10 

III. Israel's rejection serves a two-fold purpose v. 11b, 12 
    1. Salvation to the Gentile 
        Mat 22:1-10 
        Gen 12:1-3 

    2. Salvation to the Jew v. 11b, 13-14 
        Rom 10:19-20 

IV. Their fulfillment will be much more than riches for the world v.15 

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Blogging For Orphans - Lifesong for Orphans

The school situation in the town of Ziway, Ethiopia is very inadequate. Many children simply do not have the opportunity to attend school at any level or in any facility. The government schools are overcrowded with up to 75 students per classroom. Private schools tend to be somewhat better, but usually have 40-50 students per class. Whether private or public, the schools are lacking in even the basics. Students must share textbooks and cannot take their textbooks home. Even standard items such as chalk and pencils are in short supply and must be severely rationed.

The caregivers and children recognize the value of a good education. They know that education is critical to their obtaining good employment and providing for themselves and their families. Therefore, it is a priority to Lifesong for Orphans to construct a quality grade school as quickly as possible. One of the essential ways to pull Ethiopia out of its poverty is to educate its citizens.

We all go out of our ways to give our kiddos the very best we possibly can. In Ethiopia, this looks very different than it does for you and me in the US!

Lifesong for Orphans is supporting 3 schools in the Ziway, Ethiopia area. We are currently repairing one of the schools and are in the process of building another, but are hopeful to use all three this fall.

As you start gathering school supplies for your kids, would you consider helping the children in Ziway?

We are in need of new desks, lights, and fixtures!

Current supply shelves:

Current ‘desks’:
New desks needed:

Make a donation here and indicate ‘Ethiopia school needs’ in the description.

To stay up to date on the progress, check back here.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Sermon Notes Romans 9:14-18 from May 1st, 2010

Rom. 9:14-18

Is God Unjust?
   I.  God has mercy on whom He wills.
-mercy = eleeo = show pitty, mercy; the actions resulting from compassion and mercy
-compassion = oiktiro = show pitty, compassion; inner emotions

  II.  God's mercy doesn't depend on man's efforts.
-Job 7:7, Ps. 8:4
-wills = thelo = to will, to wish, desire, to want
-runs = trecho = to run, exert oneself, make effort
-will and runs = the sum of human efforts

 III.  God justly demonstrates His glory.
-Joshua 2:10
-harden = skleruno = make stubborn, to harden

Douglas Moo "In fact, Paul never offers - here or anywhere else - a 'logical' solution to the tension between divine sovereignty and human responsibility that he creates.  That he affirms the latter is, of course, clear; and we must never forget that Paul will go on in 9:30-10:21 to attribute the Jews' condemnation to their own willful failure to believe. Paul is content to hold the truths of God's absolute sovereignty - in both election and hardening - and of full human responsibility without reconciling them. We would do well to emulate his approach."

Sermon Notes Romans 9:1-13 from April 24th, 2010

Rom. 9:1-13
 I.  Paul expresses anguish for his lost kinsmen.
-great = megale
   a. Paul longs for them to be saved.
-accursed = anathema = to be under the curse
   b. Despite their advantages, Israel is lost.
 II.  The promise of God has not failed.
   a. Being a member of spiritual Israel is not based upon lineage.
-regarded = logizomai, to calculate, count, reckon
   b. Being a member of spiritual Israel depends on the choice of God.
-choice = ekloge = election, choosing

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Sermon Notes: Free John 8:31-36

John 8:31-36
   I.  In Jesus we are given authentic freedom.
     a.  Believing in Jesus. 
-D. A. Carson "Jesus is the truth, because he embodies the supreme revelation of God - He himself 'narrates' God (1:18), says and does exclusively what the Father gives him to say and do (5:19ff, 8:29), indeed he is properly called 'God' (1:1, 18, 20:28). He is God's gracious self-disclosure, his 'Word' made flesh (1:14)."
     b.  Continuing in the truth.
-continue = meno = abide, remaine
     c.  Knowing the truth.
     d.  Being set free by the truth.
-make you free = eleutheroo = to liverate, set free
-Rom. 6:17-19
  II.  Without Jesus sin deceptively enslaves.
-Calvin "the greater the mass of vices anyone is buried under, the more fiercely and bombastically does he extol free will."
-Ryle "the power of self-deception in uncoverted man is infinite."
-Augustine "at times a man's slave, worn out by the commands of an unfeeling master finds rest in flight. Whither can teh servant of sin flee? Himself he carries with him wherever he flees. An evil conscience flees not from itself; it has no place to go to; it follows itself. Yea, he cannot withdraw from himself, for the sin he commits is within."
-Eph. 4:22; Heb. 3:13, Rom. 6:16, II Pet. 2:19
  III.  Through Jesus our freedom is ensured.
    a.  Jesus makes us sons.
-Rom. 8:15, 9:26
    b.  Jesus guarantees our security.
-John 10:28-30