Rom. 8:26-30
I. The Spirit intercedes for us.
-Heb. 7:25
-help = sunantilambanetai = to lend a hand together with
-Ex. 18:22, Numb 11:17
a. We are weak.
b. We don't know for what to pray.
-how = ti = what
-I Cor. 2:11
c. We don't know God's will.
II. God's work guarantees our security.
a. God works ultimate good from all things.
-work together = synergeo
1. For those who love God.
2. For those who are called by His purpose.
b. Our security is assured.
1. God foreknows us.
2. God predestines us.
-conformed = summorphos = share the likeness
-firstborn = prototokos = priority and preeminence
3. God glorifies us.
-II Thes. 2:14, Phil. 1:6